[hider] [center] [hider=Livia] [img]http://safebooru.org//images/1583/24f1bdaeec16c80e2057aa6fe3c4d1386200e7a7.jpg[/img] [/hider] Livia is rather tall for her age, standing around roughly 5'6, taller than most other girls. Add that to the fact she has a rather mature air about her until she opens her big mouth, she can oft be mistaken for being much older. She wears a black and red dress, with dark stockings and boots. On her hands, she always wears her catalyst - two gloves. Most often, she'll be seen wearing a cloak. (Unlike the picture above) She has dark colored hair and deep, purple colored eyes. Incidentally, that's also her favorite color. [color=662d91][h3]"Hmm...what? Sorry, I was busy counting how much of my time you are wasting."[/h3][/color] [color=662d91]"Livia Fiore. Now get lost, I'm busy."[/color] [b]Name:[/b] Livia Fiore [color=662d91]"Apparently I'm a noble, but if you so much as call me 'Lady', I'll have Gall throw you out." [/color] [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] Lady Fiore. [color=662d91]"Old enough. To do everything you're probably thinking about~"[/color] [b]Age:[/b] 16 [color=662d91]"Uhm, are you blind? Do you not see these boobs? Or do I gotta take off my shirt?"[/color] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [color=662d91]"Yes yes, I'm a human. A boring little human. What of it?"[/color] [b]Race:[/b] Human [color=662d91]"Pfft. Like I actually would date anyone. But fine, human, let's see how you do."[/color] [b]Sexuality:[/b] Bisexual [color=662d91]"Year 4. I'd say...best in the year too. Don't believe me? Heh, fine. Lets see you disprove it then."[/color] [b]Year:[/b] Year 4 [color=662d91]"Sorceress, but still good enough to kick your ass."[/color] [b]Ranking Class:[/b] Sorceress [color=662d91]"Ah...such beautiful dances, the Spirits of Wrath have. Perhaps you'd like to join them?~ Hehe, kidding kidding. That was a joke. Calm down. I'm not going to kill you."[/color] [b]Magic:[/b] Pythones: Wrathful Spirits To put simply, this magic is summoning wrathful spirits and using them for combat. These vile, hateful spirits seek only to harm the foes of the caster, and perhaps even the caster themselves should they lose control. They are mostly used offensively, since their defensive capabilities are lacking. Most take the form of a ethereal humanoid skull, or grinning specter. Most who see them seem to think they're dancing some sort of macabre waltz, as they flit and glide through the air. [b]Strengths:[/b] These spirits are built for pure offensive tactics and mobility, mostly at range. One of the best features these spirits have, is the ability to go after targets themselves, once released. The caster only needs to have their own wrath and malice directed at someone, and they will seek out that target. It's not perfect, of course. Additionally, the spirits can help move the caster out of harms way - moving them through the air without the caster so much as lifting a finger, almost as if they were a specter themselves. -a few offensive abilities- Summoning a specter to directly attack someone. The number can vary, and depends on the mana supplied to the spirits. The most straightforward use of this magic. Getting hit by one it will usually feel like a solid kick to the face, or wherever the specter hit. They can not go through walls and such. Summoning a group of these spirits, depending on the commands can have them do multiple things aside from the basics. Create small explosive forces. Perhaps even using stronger ones to even restrain a person. She could theoretically create a barrier using them, but it would probably not be very strong - depending on the mana supplied. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] As previously stated, this magic has very little in the way of defensive abilities. Aside from creating small barriers or using the spirits themselves as shields, she has almost no defensive abilities whatsoever. Fighting at close range can be a hassle, though a creative person could have a few tricks up their sleeve to make up for this. [b]Catalyst:[/b] A set of gloves, passed down in her family. The oldest received a Grimoire, but she likes to think she got the better end of that. [b]Inventory:[/b] Aside from the gloves, she often can be seen with a book since she loves reading. (Whatever you do, do not harm her precious books.) [color=662d91]"The vow I made with him? 'I shall be your friend and guardian for however long I remain on this earth.' Cheesy, eh? But well, I was a kid. No, I'm not a kid any more. Quit looking at me like that!"[/color] [b]Familiar:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3288896]Gall, your friendly neighborhood Reaper[/url] [b]Squad Name:[/b] N/A [color=662d91]"Me? People tell me I'm a horrible person. I say they just can't handle the harsh truth. Idiots."[/color] [b]Pesonality:[/b] Livia is honestly not the nicest of people out there. That's readily apparent from the way she seems to regard her fellow humans with obvious disdain and annoyance. She has little patience for people, and those who waste her time with small talk. She prefers reading, studying, and spending time alone watching the dancing of her spirits. Her words tend to sting quite often, and she has a knack for hitting people right where it hurts with her words. Mix that with her somewhat hot-headed behavior, well...needless to say, she's not exactly all that popular. That said, she is by no means a horrible person. She simply doesn't know how to not speak her mind, and not be incredibly blunt or scathing with her words. She points out peoples flaws and things in hopes that they might fix those flaws themselves. She sees no since in ever sugarcoating things, or giving small white lies to make someone feel better. To her, a small sweet lie is ten times more painful than a harsh truth. If one were to get to know her, they'd probably find someone who would be a very loyal and open friend. If you can get over her somewhat...dark sense of humor. [color=662d91]"Blah blah, some wealthy family in France, blah blah. Not important. If that's everything then leave me alone or I'll have Gall throw you out."[/color] [b]Backstory:[/B] Livia is the youngest daughter of some wealthy family in France. A long line of Pythones mages, to be exact. She had a relatively comfortable life growing up, if not an entirely happy one. Being the youngest, she was always rather snubbed by her parents. Not that they were abusive or anything, they simply spent more time doting on her older sister than herself. They mostly left her to care for herself, or the servants. At the time, she felt as though they were mostly, even actively ignoring her. So she buried herself in her magic and other studies, and actively ignored them and her fellow students. Somewhere along the line, that turned into a somewhat misanthropic, cynical outlook on life, especially towards other humans. Sometime when she was 14, and was on a vacation to Dublin with her family, one of the rare moments that she actually got to spend with her family. It should have been a time that she should have been happy. But well, when you see a reaper collecting a dead body in an alley, it might cause someone to flee in terror. Well, let's call it morbid curiosity. She walked right up to the reaper, and started talking to it, not scared of it, or anything really. In fact, she was just plain curious about it. The two exchanged a few words, but she left quickly before her parents found her. About a year later, she decided having a familiar would greatly help. And well, she was still fascinated by him...so she made it her mission to find him. Some found a little girl hanging around a elderly home somewhat odd, but it worked out in the end. She found the one she had met in Dublin, and exchanged vows with him. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Lyssa Nemorienne] [center] [hider=Appearance][img]http://safebooru.org//images/594/6d28f88093e6eced4a87d59d7e79d9f46f42f084.png[/img] Lyssa stands at a respectable 5'6". She has two sharp horns growing out of her forehead, and two medium sized bat like wings on her back accompanied by a long, slender spaded tail. She has a pale complexion, and bright blue eyes. Most of the time she wears a black and white dress. As far as attractiveness goes, most would probably find her quite attractive.[/hider] [color=f6989d] [h3]"Hey hey! You, new person! Wanna come back to my place and do something fun? I got this new thingy I wanna try! I'm not takin' no for an answer either!~"[/h3][/color] [color=f6989d] "Lyssa Nemo...nemorinne! Gah, my last name is a mouthfull. Just call my Lys!~"[/color] [b]Name:[/b] Lyssa Nemorienne [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] [color=f6989d]"Friendly neighborhood, adorable demon! It's true!~"[/color] [color=f6989d]"16 years of age! Old enough now that the fun police won't follow me everywhere!~"[/color] [b]Age:[/b] 16 [color=f6989d]"Feeemale!~"[/color] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [color=f6989d]"About as adorably demonic as they get!~"[/color] [b]Race:[/b] Demon [color=f6989d]"I give free hugs to everyone!~"[/color] [b]Sexuality:[/b] Pansexual [color=f6989d]"Year 4! I say I'm doing pretty good!~"[/color] [b]Year:[/b] Year 4. [b]Ranking Class:[/b] Witch [b]Magic:[/b] Alchimia: Deconstruction To put simply, this is the deconstruction of elements using Alchemy. By understanding an items composition, she can break the bonds between the elements, turning anything the magic touches into nothing more than useless scrap. Of course, she has to understand what exactly it is she's deconstructing for it to work. In retrospect, this magic has quite a few drawbacks. Especially considering she has to rely on her own physical abilities a lot of the time. For example, breaking the bonds in water, creating Oxygen and Hydrogen. A pure element such as Iron, all she has to do is break the bonds between the iron particles themselves, and it'll turn them into small scraps. [b]Strengths:[/b] Once something's destroyed, it's destroyed almost instantly becoming little more than useless hunks of scrap in the process. A single touch is all it will take, and if she can get the composition right, then the item basically becomes useless. She could effectively kill a human with a touch if she so desired. It'd take longer to break down more complex organisms, and she'd have to do it for awhile, but you can bet you'd be hurting - most likely internal bleeding and a few other broken things. As long as she's touching something, she can send magic along it to reach the area around a target at range. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Despite how effective the magic is at destroying, it has a lot of weaknesses. Such as being close enough to touch whatever it is you want to destroy. (Or at least, she has yet to discover a way to make her abilities work at range.) Secondly, against another Alchimist, it'd be a bit of a hassle, considering they could just remake whatever she had destroyed if given time. Third, against things like fire, and other things it'd be difficult to defend against. She'd have to use her creativity here to her advantage. She likes to think her martial training makes up for a bit these setbacks, however. [b]Catalyst:[/b] N/A [b]Inventory:[/b] Aside from various sweets, not much. [color=f6989d]"Come ooon!~ I'll shower you with cuddles and affection!~ Pleeeease?"[/color] [b]Familiar:[/b] N/A [b]Squad Name:[/b] N/A [color=f6989d] "I was told I was being too loud one night. I said they were jealous of me and my friend going at it hard last night. I'm still sore from the beating she gave me. I'll have to step up my game skills, because next time I'ma beat her good!~"[/color] [b]Pesonality:[/b] If one would describe Lys, it's an unending bundle of energy and friendliness. Indeed, she never seems to tire and ends something with just as much energy as she started it with. She likes meeting new people, and loves hanging out with others. An all around people person, some might say. She'll be the first to befriend the new kid at at school...and also the first to steal any sweets you might have. A bit of a nerd as well, loves playing video games and super heroes and stuff. She tends to shy away from violence and conflict, but if she must she will end it as swiftly as she can. Her magic, which deconstructs elements can end things quite easily, if she has too. Ah, and she can say some...odd things sometimes. Don't read too much into them. And despite her lazy nature towards her studies, she's not unintelligent. She's quite resourceful, most of the time, and can probably recite the periodic table backwards and forwards. [b]Backstory:[/B] Her history is rather mundane. Her parents were rather normal people, who both attended Liseranna themselves. Her mother was an Alchimia mage, and her father was a Contritio mage - though he never had much love for magic, instead focusing on martial pursuits, and combining his magic with them. She herself, grew fascinated by magic as well and started attempting to learn Alchemy. Her father though, also made sure she received proper physical and martial training as well. No child of his was going to study silly magic and let their bodies waste away. Even now, she still practices, though she doesn't really put much emphasis on it when she's at Liseranna, instead focusing more on the magic aspects of her abilities. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Sorcha] [center] [hider=Sorcha][img]http://i.imgur.com/Luuewrs.jpg?1[/img][/hider] Sorcha is tall, giving off a regal air of sophistication and nobility. She stands at a tall 5'9", dwarfing most of the men she has ever met. Her splendid white hair brilliantly reflects the sunlight, and it's obvious she takes very good care of it. Her skin, in places where she has it, is flawless in every since of the word, not a blemish to be found. As far as her human traits go, she'd probably be the girl that caused everyone to turn their heads, and possibly even walk into a pole. It is quite obvious she isn't human. Brilliant white wings cover her back, and have not tattered or dulled with age, and are just as pristine as the day she was born. A long, powerful white tail extends behind her, ready in equally pristine condition. Atop her head, are two sharp, pointed horns that protrude upwards. Where she doesn't have skin, she has white scales. They cover most of her legs and waist, curving around her sides and covering most of her back and arms with the durable armor. Her eyes, a fierce, commanding red. The armor she wears, was crafted by a nameless blacksmith in her old town. She wears it out of sentiment and so that she will never forget the pain of that horrible day where she lost everything she considered herself to love. [color=aba000][h3]"You, human. I demand tribute. All of the junk food you have will suffice."[/h3][/color] [color=aba000] "I have been known as many names through my years, but you may call me Lady Sorcha."[/color] [b]Name:[/b] Sorcha Ó Maoilriain she likes reminding people that it means 'Radiant' or 'Brilliant King' Those she likes, meaning her master, may call her by her first name. The rest will address her as 'Lady Sorcha.' [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] "Goddess of the Heavens" "Bringer of the Storm" "The wandering Tempest" Her favorite: "Thou who will smite thee with bolts of fury if thou maketh her angry" [b]Age:[/b] [color=aba000]"I have fought alongside one of the greatest leaders and wizards of the ancient age, Fought against a mighty warrior in the freezing winds of the north, and was worshiped as a bringer of ruin and god before those damnable religious zealots burned my village and attempted to slay me. I am a proud, noble being deserving of respect and will not tolerate such insolence and rudeness as you asking my age."[/color] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Dragon [color=aba000]"Hmm? I have no interest in such affairs with you little humans. That said...I have taken a human lover on occasion. But I only accept the strong, those strong enough to win my respect or force me into submission. I doubt you can do either."[/color] [b]Sexuality:[/b] She feels no such desires. However, she is attracted to strength. And if she views someone as strong...well, who knows? She might just say yes. [b]Year:[/b] N/A [b]Magic:[/b] Contritio: Roar of the Heavens. Being a dragon of Thunder and Storms, she has minimal control over the element. While she can't 'breathe' it in the traditional sense, she can, direct a lightning bolt towards a target. In humanoid form, she can fire such bolts from her hands or glaive. However, she can not rapid fire them - they take a few seconds to charge, so to speak. The stronger the bolt, the longer 'charge' it needs. Once upon a time, it is said that she was able to summon disastrous tempests that would blow away all but the most stalwart of men. She neither confirms or denies these claims. Neutra: Immovable Wall. Her scales are quite durable, and work well enough for a natural armor and to deflect blades...and are really gonna hurt something fierce if you get whacked with one. Another rumor states she could at one point, take he form of a majestic scaled lizard, dwarfing the largest of man made buildings. Another rumor she neither confirms nor denies. [b]Strengths:[/b] It's lightning. You know, electricity. It'll mess you up fairly badly if you get hit with it. It's an incredibly fast projectile, and while it is been proven possible to dodge, one would need to be incredibly fast to do so. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Lightning is drawn to high places. Not to mention, it can't pass through ground so well. Any earth-related element is going to find themselves at quite an advantage to her lightning. Lightning rods also work quite well for grounding her electricity. Works better as precise, targeted attacks and not so well as Area of Effect attacks. [b]Catalyst:[/b] A ancient, but well taken care of and strong [Url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/71/dd/73/71dd735eb7b7e804dc8ec53be8650f95.jpg]Glaive[/url], forged out of dragon scales. She always seems to have this with her, and seems to hold some importance to her. However, if asked she will simply give a wistful smile, and respond that it's simply a gift from a long dead friend. She never elaborates more on that. [b]Inventory:[/b] Her Glaive. [b]Master:[/b] N/A [b]Squad Name:[/b] N/a [b]Personality:[/b] Prideful. Stubborn. Arrogant. Those are the three words that would most definitely describe her accurately. Any dragon creature would share similar personality traits, and none so embody that fact like Sorcha. Honorable, Fair, and a lover [s]of junk food[/s] shiny things, are just about all that encompass her personality. She will never tolerate an insult towards herself, or anyone that she so happens to deem worthy of being her master. To do so would severely tarnish her pride, and is something she would never let happen. Tends to hold grudges because of her pride, should she lose or be insulted in some way. [color=aba000]"My history...is quite long, I assure you. I remember every detail of my life...even the painful ones that never quite heal."[/color] [b]Backstory:[/B] Her origins are shrouded in mystery, though one can confirm she was born sometime shortly before the birth of Christ somewhere in Scotland or Ireland. Her childhood is shrouded in much history, though she says she never knew her parents much - they were murdered when she was but a child and had to fend for herself through most of it and made sure to keep to herself and stay away from others - especially humans. Her parents had warned that they feared dragons, and would probably attempt to kill her, and she made sure to avoid them. Sticking to forests, caves, and never staying in one area for long. And then, she met, A great wizard. He wanted a familiar, a powerful being. She of course, refused and the two fought, her ending up losing. And as an agreement reached before the fight, she became his familiar and fought, worked, and traveled alongside the wizard for much of his life, until they went their separate ways. A few hundred years later, she found herself in the cold northern lands - somewhere what is around Denmark today. Having tasted battle fighting along a heroic king and her owner, she set out to make a name for herself in these lands she had never laid eyes on before - Terrorizing and plundering the landscape for any valuable she could find. She claims it is one of the least glamorous chapters in her life, but she will not deny that it happened. Soon enough, she was challenged by a brave warrior, and the two fought each other in honorable combat. She killed all of his men, and fatally wounded the warrior, but not before receiving a near fatal wound herself. She managed to flee, but her wounds eventually got the best of her, and she passed out, unable to retain consciousness. What happened after then, no one really knows. She has never told anyone - but it is known a few hundred years later she showed up in some small European village - with her Glaive in hand. She says she saved the village from a plague - some uppity mage or something was causing it. Normally she wouldn't care about such a thing, but the village offered a reward that quite intrigued the dragon. Money. all of the Cities money, and their undying loyalty to the great dragon. She couldn't refuse such an offer, and within the next day, the mage lay dead and the plague stopped before it could spread any further. And for another few hundred years, she was praised and worshiped as a goddess by the people. The town grew and prospered under her guidance and protection. Until those religious zealots sought to kill her in the name of their god. They burned her village to the ground, killing all of the peasants and attempting to kill her. Fools ended up charred to a crisp from her bolts, but the damage was done. The entire town was decimated, nothing more than charred cinders and a grieving dragon. This affected the dragon greatly. Over the years, she grew to care for the villagers - indeed, she even could say she had fallen for one of the locals. On the night following its said her furious, grieving, cries could be heard through the entire countryside. What happened after that, she never reveals, though she wandered and caused minor troubles here and there. She simply states she traveled, and has yet to take another master. Why she wants one now is anyone guess. Some with guts says she's lonely after being out of touch with people for so many years. Such people usually end up on the receiving end of her smiting. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwawjAMTfx4]Hey hey...could it be? A theme or something?[/url] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Meredith Hillard] [center] [img]http://safebooru.org//images/1260/69b49be194166374a5be1f29c31320622e5462f3.jpg?1313252[/img] Meredith stands around 5'5". however, this tends to fluctuate depending on her mood and if she needs to be a tad bit taller to reach something. She normally wears black, loose fitting clothing consisting of a t-shirt and skirt. Normally, her hair is tied back into a long, blond ponytail, and her face twisted into some sort of toothy grin as her amber colored eyes search the area for...'test subjects' [/center] [color=f7976a][center][h3]"*swallows celery stick* Hi!~ I'm Meredith! Ehehehee, so who are you, delicious looking person? Care to be dissected?~"[/h3][/center][/color] [color=f7976a]"Hehehe, my name? But I want to know yours so much more!~"[/color] [b]Name:[/b] Meredith Hillard [color=f7976a]"Hehe, I've been told I look like I crawled out of some Japanese show or whatever. My research finds them not wrong!~"[/color] [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] Doujin Girl That weird girl who may or may not be slightly cannibalistic. Creep who likes dead things. [color=f7976a]"Seventeen!~"[/color] [b]Age:[/b] 17 [color=f7976a]"I'm female! But well, considering I can change almost every aspect of my body, I can be a guy if you're into that, ehehe~"[/color] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [color=f7976a]"I am a human! But aliens most certainly exist! Maybe I'm actually one! Ehehe, that'd be fun~"[/color] [b]Race:[/b] Human [color=f7976a]"Eheh, I'm not that picky, but I'm not interested!~"[/color] [b]Sexuality:[/b] [s]Grahamsexual[/s] Pansexual [color=f7976a]"fifth year!~"[/color] [b]Year:[/b] 5 [color=f7976a]"Conjurer class!~ I'm gonna be right at the best soon though!~"[/color] [b]Ranking Class:[/b] Conjurer Class [b]Magic:[/b] Alchimia: -Body Sculpt- Meredith, is am Alchemist. And a Medela mage. At least, she has studied both schools quite effectively, and has come up with an effective combination of both, but ultimately her magic falls under Alchimia. She has control over her own body and can make her body do mostly whatever she wants. Mostly used through some form of grotesque bone/skin/blood manipulation. Such as hardening the bones in her body to extreme levels, hardening her skin into nigh-impenetrable armor, and even using her own blood as projectiles. If its part of her body, she can manipulate it - even regenerate limbs or make new ones if she has enough energy. She could even change her appearance on a whim. Of course, the greater the change she makes, the more energy and strain on her body it uses. Fully functional limbs take a bit more energy to take, so she usually sticks with sinewy tentacle-like appendages in that regard. She also has a bit of a limited effect on others as well, though not as pronounced as her ability to heal/manipulate her own body structure. Healing small, non life threatening wounds is quite possible given a few seconds. [b]Strengths:[/b] First of all, her magic basically turns her own body into a living weapon. She can change the structure of the chemicals in her body, such as increasing the ratio of carbon in her skin effectively making her skin as hard as diamond. Even making a few extra limbs if she had too. This, makes her a very durable and very effective, and adept fighter - especially deadly at close range. She can add muscle mass to herself for sheer strength, or adjust her muscles for optimal speed and agility. She can also heal other people, to some extent. While she's no replacement for an actual healer, she can heal minor-to medium sized injures should she need too, though it takes time and in a battle situation it might not be the best solution or use of her abilities. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] while she's not completely helpless at range, its not her forte. Her best method of attack, is simply launching a sharpened bone at something at medium speed, and that's not really going to be doing any major damage. Plus the lost body mass will cost her quite a bit of energy. Secondly, she is still flesh and bone as most of her transformations are. Fire and Ice tend to work quite effectively against her. She still feels pain as well, and any new limbs she make will still feel it as well. Her regenerating ability isn't perfect either, and it takes time. While she can visibly close wounds within seconds, any injury larger than a small cut is going to take a few seconds to heal. And such healing takes energy. healing others takes noticeably more energy. And if someone happens to break her arm, sternum, or shoulder blade her magic ability decreases quite a bit. If someone manages to shatter all three before she can heal, she'll effectively lose her ability to fight. Of course, such information would be difficult to come by. She has no formal training in close quarters combat, even though she relies on it a lot during a fight. A skilled fighter who does, could easily win if they're clever. Just try not to get hit with a fist that carries enough force to send a truck flying a few feet. [b]Catalyst:[/b] Intricate runes carved into her bones. [b]Inventory:[/b] -Various vials -Dissecting Knives -scissors -Usually has some sticks of celery or other fruits stashed on her somewhere. -Syringes [b]Familiar:[/b] N/A [b]Squad Name:[/b] N/A [b]Personality:[/b] Meredith is usually quite the friendly person. She's a bit on the hyperactive side, More often than not, she acts like a kid. Her childish nature tends to annoy some people Most people find her a bit odd, however, especially considering the time she spends studying biology and her...uhm...fascination with dissecting people and animals. She spends a lot of time studying human and animal anatomy and can pinpoint weak spots on humans quite quickly, and is quite intelligent in the Biological field. She loves dissecting and meeting new creatures she's never seen before. It's her life mission to create a comprehensive guide to the biology and anatomy of every single living creature on earth. Or at least as damn well near to it as she can get. Don't tell her aliens aren't real. just don't. talks to herself a lot. Loves messing with people she likes. If she does, it's a sign she likes you on some level. [b]Backstory:[/B] Born in the US to a pair of doctors, Meredith had a relatively easy life growing up. Her parents were quite successful, and her father was a leading doctor in the field of cancer research. At an early age, just like her parents she was interested in the human body and the medical field as well, and devoted a lot of her time as a kid to learning about such topics. However...eventually she grew rather bored with studying just humans. Which is when she turned to magic. It started with Alchemy. Just some minor things, but she wasn't satisfied and soon wished to attend Liseranna. Where she met a guy, by the name of Graham. Thanks to her training a bit before, she was put into year 3, and he into year 2. However, seeing an opportunity she took it. So, she decided to learn Medela magic from him. And the two have been besties ever since. At least, in her opinion they're besties. He's honestly terrified of her. Sometime during her fourth year, she decided she didn't need a catalyst any more, considering she was getting better with her magic, carrying one was a bit of a hassle so she tossed it and decided to undergo...a procedure to fix that. With a little help from Graham. She carved open her own body, and carved Runes right into her bones. It was a painful, arduous task that took quite a while. She nearly died several times, but thanks to her control over her own body she was able to sustain herself. She could have stopped with just one, but that wouldn't do. If someone broke her bones, her shattered a rune that would be bad. So she carved them into three locations. On her sternum, one on her left humerus, and one on her shoulder blade. The intricate carvings all connect, but work independently of one another. However, even if one is shattered/broken it will significantly decrease the rate at which she can use magic. if all of them are shattered, she won't be able to use it at all, until they naturally heal. And now she's a fifth year. [/hider]