[center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v285/Icmastic/alternative-alternative-girl-bampw-black-hair-girl-Favim.com-274935_zpsrwhtcqqr.jpg[/IMG] [sup]"An inspirational quote? I feel like you're fucking with me."[/sup] [color=black][b][i][h3]Sable Maxwell[/h3][/i][/b][/color] 30 [color=darkred]||[/color] May, 29 [color=darkred]||[/color] 180cm [color=darkred]||[/color] [i]First Class[/i] [hr] [/center] [indent][b][i]Appearance[/i][/b] [indent]Through no wasted energy of her own, Sable has grown into what some would describe as a physique befitting that of a model. Elongated arms and legs extend from a slender torso and longish neck that only serve to define the strong jawline and high cheekbone structure that have earned her ire. In an effort to hide these not so proportional appendages, intricate, and in some cases elegant, tattoos adorn most open spaces of skin and paint a picture of a woman whom expresses her individuality outwardly. Attire is also an important part of this visage with heavy use of dark colored clothing--which is not always limited to black in a grand subversion of the stereotype--that is thin in material and semi-tight to full on second skin in appearance. Slim, high boots and plain sneakers replace heels and dress shoes to assert that comfort most certainly comes first and jewelry is not favored in preference so Sable does not wear any type of external trinkets if she can help it. The only aspect of her physical person that Sable really takes seriously is her hair. Having grown it to a long and luxurious state, she tends to surprise others in the amount of care it receives versus the personality that some would find contradictory to such actions. Originally a dark brown color, black hair dye was applied and mixes with the extremely dark browns to give the appearance of a solid black hue, but closer inspection reveals the truth along with bright sunlight. A variety of hairstyles are worn on any given day and some even changed within the day depending on mood, attitude, or a number of variable factors. Typically however, Sable will wear her in a pony tail during missions and vigorous activities. [/indent][/indent] [indent][b][i]Personality[/i][/b] [indent]Despite previous efforts tried in vain, Sable is unable to hide her somewhat abrasive persona. Describing the only child as straightforward and honest is doing a disservice to the well developed attitudes and temperament of a person who literally has no real idea what the term "tactful" means. Even in the face of SOLDIER training which indoctrinates the teachings of following authority to the letter, she cannot help herself around her fellow comrades. Believing that the absolute and brutal truth is the only way for others to truly understand, Sable has conditioned her responses and dialogue to match her inner feelings. Why hide how you really feel about a subject when you can just plainly say it? Needless to say, this has not garnered many friends, but surprisingly there are dashes of intelligence lurking among the sharp dialogue. Sable has the odd habit of speaking in what some would describe as an eloquent manner laced with malicious intent. It's an interesting combination when one assumes that an abrasive person merely uses curses to fill their vocabulary, but for Sable it is more of a logical thrashing than a profanity laden one. She is clearly educated enough to speak in a professional manner with those in higher power than herself, but she is also articulate enough to construct a blunt reply or comment composed of acidic syntax. It's this saving grace--if one could even define that as such a thing--that allows her to avoid completely alienating anyone who decides to come into contact with her. In reference to character traits, Sable is a bit of a thrill seeker. One of the qualities which made her an excellent candidate for SOLDIER is her risk-taking nature. She thrives off of the adrenaline rush of dangerous situations and stunts that no one else would dare try. There is always something new to be discovered in the world and Sable enjoys the feeling of defying overwhelming odds to find those things. The smaller the chance of pulling off something successfully, the more excited the tattooed woman becomes within. There are even points where a wry smirk will escape from her expression because she just can't hold in her anticipation. Some have accused her of not being afraid or death or even wanting it, but for Sable it's a simple explanation; she just can't be bothered to care enough about the risks of failing to turn on her back on the risks of success. [/indent][/indent] [indent][b][i]Biography/Background[/i][/b] [indent]Sable Arlene Maxwell was born to a wealthy family in the capital city of Faelan on the northern continent of Archadia. Leading successful careers in medicine, Sable's parents amassed a fortune that was enough to give them the attention of media outlets and average citizens alike. Darren Maxwell was a man who pursued advancements in medical science as part of a team put together to do exactly that. They were tasked with finding cures for the incurable and new techniques which would allow current medical knowledge to expand exponentially though this mandate never extended towards anything to do with the Aeon projects. Varrina Maxwell, Darren's wife, had become one of the youngest doctors to reach the position in Faelan, though she too never knew about or worked on the Aeon projects. Together, the duo became a respected figure in the world of health, medicine, and wellness, but these accomplishments did not come without cost. Due to the fact that both individuals led lives like this, their schedules meant they saw each other very rarely and were at home with their only daughter even less. Despite the absence of her parents, Sable made life exciting for herself. She regularly left the care of her various nannies to explore the district she lived in within Faelan. Nothing was off limits, from rooftops to alleyways to even the interior of other people's homes if they were foolish enough to leave an unlocked or open window in the presence of a little girl who knew no boundaries. Daredevil activities and city exploration dominated her early childhood until the fateful days when the curious girl was caught and sentenced to a life behind the walls of what others would consider a palace. Instead of leaving her there to rot, Sable's parents resolved to involve her in what they thought would be more productive activities. That and once they knew what their daughter had been up to, they were afraid that any number of bad situations could spring up should the daughter of a wealthy family be kidnapped or worse. They hired a man named Arthur Mason to keep their daughter occupied by training her in martial arts. At first, the studies didn't take. Even as Sable grew older and continued in her forced lessons, she began to tattoo her body in a show of defiance and her attitude grew increasingly colder. In her mind, anything that could shame the pristine appearance of two successful doctors was good enough for revenge--revenge not only for her punishment, but for the seclusion and loneliness they had forced upon her in childhood. However, as she grew closer to Arthur and began seriously taking his lessons to heart, she found solace and comfort in the man and he become her confidant and friend. The relationship extended passed the combat lessons and the two began to often take trips throughout the city, hanging out and generally having fun. Though romance never became an option, Sable genuinely began to look up to Arthur as sort of a surrogate parent. He not only made sure the young woman could protect herself, he also showed her what it meant to grow up and become a functioning adult. That's why it was especially hard when the monster attacks hit. Sable had just recently graduated from university--of which Arthur had convinced her to pursue--when she got the news. Monsters that had appeared from seemingly nowhere had caused a swath of destruction everywhere, but it was the fact that they had demolished the Maxwell residence that got to Sable. Arthur had been a live-in instructor ever since he was hired and he, along with all the other house employment, had been slaughtered in the attacks. The fate of Sable's parents was unknown, but she didn't care about them. On that day, on that day alone, she cried for Arthur. It was an intense kind of sadness that she'd only felt once in her life and it would be the last time she felt that kind of way. It wasn't long after that she heard about a certain military enrollment in the capital city of Dalmasca. Despite how far away the location was, Sable used the funds she'd had set up for her and left Faelan for good. She was going to be SOLDIER. It didn't matter what that term actually meant, all she knew was that it meant she'd a chance to get back at the things that took the only thing she cared about in this life. That was good enough for her. [/indent][/indent] [indent][b][i]Weapon{s}[/i][/b] [indent][b]Sabre Edge[/b] [indent]During her training, Sable's mentor, Arthur, was fond of many different weapons, but the sword was his weapon of choice. Because that's what her teacher and friend favored, Sable also uses one as well, though with some modifications. Sable's blade is a single-edged straight blade which extends roughly 40 inches in length while remaining thin. The guard and hilt are both black in color, but the guard is a small circular apparatus attached to a hilt composed of a specially made material that allows for better grip. It also houses circuitry and a hidden button that is flush with the hilt itself. When this button is depressed, raw energy is released from the guard and focused over the edge of the blade. This results in a violet hue across the blade edge when active. This "Sabre Edge" as she calls it gives the sword the ability to cut through just about any solid compound provided some stronger compounds need appropriate force behind the blade before it'll cut through. The energy comes from the guard which is actually a small reactor core of sorts that runs on a battery installed in the hilt. When the battery runs out, the sword can be used as normal, but the Sabre Edge needs to recharge before it will become usable again. It recharges itself internally and gives Sable a notification when it's ready. In addition to the Sabre Edge, Sable has also [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v285/Icmastic/tumblr_m0ao51m78d1qdf1dgo1_1280_zpsfe3b8196.jpg]customized the look of her ravager armor[/URL] mostly because the SOLDIER program gave her the option the do so. It does not provide any advantages over regular ravager armor, but Sable appreciates the uniqueness all the same. [/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][b][i]Skillset[/i][/b] [indent]Hand-to-Hand Combat Ravager Parkour[/indent][/indent] [indent][b][i]Ability[/i][/b] [indent][b]True Acceptance[/b] Sable possesses the ability to "become" her enemy by taking on their attributes. When facing multiple enemies, one must be mentally chosen in order for the ability to activate. This enables her and her enemy to enter a level playing field with one another. The trick is, she is not able to keep these attributes permanently and retains no memories of temporarily learned abilities either.[/indent][/indent] [indent][b][i]Aeon[/i][/b] [indent][b]Ariella[/b] [indent][color=black]Black[/color], [color=Silver]Colorless[/color] ┊ Devouring, Ambition, Adaptation [indent]Ariella takes the form an ethereal, female being with feminine curves and body under a blindfolded face surrounded by jet black hair. She is scantily clad, but her skin decays and appears cracked and brittle while an inconceivable smirk composed of black lipstick remains her constant expression. One black, feathered wing extends from the left half of her back and sometimes coyly covers the exposed torso and thighs. Her motivations and intentions are unknown, but scientists came to know her through her now signature giggle. She never outright laughs, only giggles.[/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent][b][i]Limit/Overdrive[/i][/b] [indent][b]We Are All The Same[/b] [indent]With a plunge through the heart, Sable unleashes her bottled up feelings, anguish, and emotions and, combined with the power of her Aeon, erupts a field of transparent energies across the area in a radius. Any sentient being engulfed in this field is reverted to a mortal status, that is to say, any supernatural affinities they had before are temporarily sealed away. This effectively makes everyone, Sable included, equal to the power of a normal human being with no special abilities whatsoever. It also has the added effect of healing Sable as it essentially kills and resurrects the woman.[/indent][/indent][/indent]