[@Wraithblade6] Bug slashes the fireball with a blast of energy, stopping it before it struck him. "....Then you'll have to kill me, Mithias." He says, looking at Mithias, before he waves his hand in front of his face, turning back to normal. He sighs. "..Mithias...I want my father back...and I'll get him back, after some time. Bob can't hold him forever. Eventually...he'll encounter someone stronger than him, that he'll anger..and that will be it. It happens to everyone who doesn't age...they'll die, at some point. It's bound to happen....What then, Mithias?" He asks, seeming to be..saddened. ".......Mithias....if..Bob ever did what he did to me...threatened...my little girl...or my wife....I would of done what my father did. I would of tried to strike him down without a second thought. What does that make me...huh? A monster?" Ozzy watches, silently, listening, his face showing a look of...contemplation. He sighs, and looks at Mithias, wondering what he'd say next.