[center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel-microheroes/images/a/a4/Northstar_logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20130116041251[/img][/center] [b]Brooklyn, NY, 11:44 am....[/b] Even the young pretty Russian girls glanced up a time or two despite their body building boyfriends and mob affiliated family members being around. This didn't matter of course when they wore such big sunglasses. Enjoying the warmth while they still could, by late September the weather would turn cold and then they would get to wear their expensive coats and boots. Northstar, out of costume and on his third floor terrace, was quite the sight for some of them. It was just under twenty-eight hundred miles back to Twin Peaks, Washington, so any time Louis got home sick it would only take around twenty to thirty minutes to fly there going as fast as Mach 10. It all just depended on which way the wind was blowing and if there was any more severe weather to avoid. Feeling it was as good a time as any to get some fresh air, Louis put on his Northstar suit and bolted out of his terrace door so that nobody would realize yet just who he was. The mutant hero was rich, but nobody was able to put two and two together when he vibrated his molecules enough to mess up any picture or recording devices that caught him in a clearer view. It was a trick he'd learned from some super fast hero in a comic book as a teenager. "Tabitha is a sweet girl. A bit loud sometimes, but she's grown on me the last couple months since moving here..." Louis thought, now high above the city skyline with the tall buildings beneath him. "It's still taking some time getting used to the pace of the city, I'm not used to this many people being around. Thankfully I'm not the only superhero on this side of the 'States." he continued thinking as he flew over the city. Down below, a man clad in red and white with large forearms looked up through binoculars at the mutant hero. "That really him, 'Dozer? Doesn't look like somebody who could stand against the Wrecking Crew..." asked Piledriver tossing the binoculars to their leader. "He's a lot tougher than he looks. Trust me." replied the yellow clad steel plated villain. "Even one man down, this guy's gonna get what's coming to him. Tonight. Nobody makes fools of the 'Crew..." exclaimed Wrecker with his enchanted crowbar in hand, "This thing can knock down demi-Gods, this mutant superhero ain't got a snowball's chance..." ~KL~