[@supertinyking] "I'm sorry Bug." Mithais said. His eyes looked stressed and his face worn, his brow wrinkled in a terrifying look that seemed like it was meant to bear his last words. He looked directly at his friend, emotions high. Clearly, this wasn't an easy choice for the former knight, but the vampire was steadfast on his decision. "...But this is loyalty." He saluted with his right, then charged. Mithias ran directly at Bug, blades ready to slice through anything, everything, even the fabric of reality itself. As typical of him, he suddenly vanished, having skipped through a rift per his usual style of attack. Bug knew he was coming out from somewhere and braced himself. Surely Bug had seen this from his friend many times before and would be ready to make Mithias regret life, whether he attacked from behind, or above, or... A crash and a infuriated scream sounded from Ozzy. Glowing-eyed and fangs dripping in fury, Mithias descended onto the half-demon brother. With his right weapon, he had cleaved a bloody divide through Ozzy's collarbone down through his torso and even cleaved the bench in half and split the ground below. Time seemed to slow down to Bug's shocked senses as he watched the horrifically maimed Ozzy topple to one side, bench and debri crumbling beneath him. Then, a star shown brilliantly from Mithias' raised left blade... taking on a sinister purple light as the soulreaver's ethereal presence burst forth above Ozzy. Wasting no time for mercy or justice or goodbye, Mithias roared and plunged the tip straight down into Ozzy's chest below him. The screams of pain were like nothing Bug had ever heard before as Ozzy's soul, his true being was dying to that vile weapon.