Relief. Long spear in Vayen hoisted her camp pack to her free shoulder as she slowly walked down the gangplank of the 'Hand of Hope'. Deliberately she was the last to depart as her fellow hunters were already beginning to make their way up the dock, there was no need for her to be at the forefront with the rest of the at this time as diplomacy and etiquette were neither one of her strong points and she assumed most of the morning would be filled with the usual formal introductions. A fleeting cool sea breeze brought a multitude of new aromas as they wafted through her nostrils, with closed eyes she tilted her head skywards inhaling the salty and earthy aromas the unfamiliar island and letting the mid morning suns rays warm her skin. Setting off she was eager to explore this island and she soon forgot her annoyances of the past few days as she inquisitively eyeballed the townsfolk, matching her gaze from those, very few people, that did not look away. The town square was like that of those back home, honestly she expected far less, a primitive tent encampment possibly, lucky for those of her group that were less experienced at rougher means of camping. A side smirk developed as she thought of the smallest brother of their group holed up in a rain drenched hollowed out tree with his notepads and books. She had tried not to judge any of of her unfamiliar kin on the days travel to the island but she had a few assumptions which she kept to herself for the time being. Looking past the group ahead her attention was divided between to the imposing mottled grey stone wall that stood guard over the village and circulating clouds above them. Excitement fluttered in the pit of her gut, in her mind those stone guardian walls called to her promising the adventure she craved. Walls like that were built either to keep something in or keep something out. [i]Tonight[/i] she thought, when the sun set she would familiarise herself with the village and its boundaries. Vayen halted to the off side behind Reyham as Virtura had already begun her introduction, she spoke direct but eloquently [b][i]"......Witch Hunters of the mainland, demand to be taken to them. If you do not, we must inquire you upon any information you have on the status of Aldergard and Osen."[/i][/b] [i]Sooner rather than later[/i] she smiled to herself.