She nodded curtly and let out a breath of tentative relief. For now, it seemed like they were set to cooperate, and though she would certainly have to keep an eye on him until more trust developed between them. If it did. Mattie had her doubts that anyone outside of her family would earn such trust, and, well, that meant the whole world. "Deal. We split what we find evenly, got it?" She hoped that would be advantageous enough for him to settle on it, but she had little hope and zero faith. Why should she? "Fuck me over and that little sword of yours is going straight up your ass," she warned. And then she got moving, exiting the Wal-Mart swiftly in a way that left no room for argument. She made a note to get the knife out of her backpack and have it somewhere she could quickly arm herself with it, just in case he became a threat. But somehow she had a seed of doubt that he would. He looked weirdly familiar, which was nonsense. He was a complete stranger.