Yes. The Prime Trilogy as a whole was easily the high point of Metroid. And that does make sense, but I still was pretty disappointed by how late in her career they did that. If it were right after Zero Misson/Metroid, then I would feel far differently. But Metroid Prime is still directly after Metroid 1 (that includes both the original and Zero Mission), so I guess we'll just have to deal with that. I'll still always prefer to think of her as blunt and cold, and being driven that way by the fact that her first father was killed, her second one ascended, and her third was driven away from her and then sacrificed himself. I just feel like, despite everything, Samus would have understood that it was necessary (though, I'm not sure what happened to the unfreezable metroids, because that explosion would not have destroyed them if they were unfreezable. An unfreezable metroid maintaining immunity to everything else like standard SR-388 metroids would be completely indestructible, so some explosion wouldn't destroy them). Since I've always thought of her that way, it's pretty difficult for me to shake my opinion of her depiction in Other M. Anyway, if you know anyone that would be interested in this, please ask them if they'd like to join up. I'd like to get this thing rolling.