Syrrissia stood as the ship docked, slipping her bow and a pack onto her back. Following the others she moved to stand off to the side of Virtura as she began the introduction. The town was rather quaint. Honestly, she had been expecting something more primitive, more battle scarred. Though she would reserve judgement on the latter till she saw more of the town. Scars could be hidden under the prettiest of sights. How often did some of the most sordid monsters wear the fairest of masks? Humans were worse than what she was hunting some of the time, and when they were worse the price was far more brutal. There was something about the human hand and it's cruelty that defied the nature of things. Shaking herself from the revive of her thoughts she focused on the task at hand. Time to worry and muse about philosophy later. Then again, it wasn't her job to worry about such things.