[quote]“Vincent.” Kat said, trying to keep her voice calm. “The Grit are coming. I think that trolley’s my best bet- I need to find my brothers and sister, make sure they're ok. But I don't think you should stay here. If you want, you can come with me, and I'll do everything I can to help you get out of here safe.” [/quote] Vincent chuckled a bit and grabbed her hand and with her assistance hopped onto his feet. He hopped on his feet a few beats to get his blood flowing. "Alright." The Grit. The fearsome enemy of humanity, and they were all that was left of the city. "You, me, and maybe a half-dozen people up here. Who knows down there." He glanced over towards the trolley. "Trolley works." He hoped. Something caught his eye that he barely noticed before, but this time it stuck out a bit more. A pink glowing stone floated before the chest of Randy. He tilted his head with a curious expression on his face and snatched the stone out of the air. "Randy," he stated with a slightly joking tone. "I didn't know your soul was pink." He inspected the stone as he made his way towards the trolley as Kat suggested. He wracked his brain trying to remember if there was any mention of some magic like this on Rune Magic that he may have been taught during the classes Father put him through. Whether he wanted to or not, it wasn't like he could forget the information he picked up from the intensive classes. He paused as he made it up to the trolley, not paying any attention to the others headed for it. If everyone had turned to stone with the exception of everyone right now on the wall. That meant he was free of Father. Free of this prison of a city. Grit or no. He was free. This put an involuntary smile on his face. He began to wonder what it would be like running through the streets of Periphery without any rules or restrictions put on him by Father or the Law. That could be a reality. [i]Could be.[/i]