With their trade complete, and him coming out on top because of the previous injury to The Baron leaned slightly onto his left leg and turned to face Tetsue as he rose once more. Drawing his blade down from above his head, he didn't betray his composure by glancing down at his leg. The pain was enough to remind him of just how much damage he had received, a solemn warning that Tetsue's words hadn't been simply a bluff. Though he had been taking them to heart, analyzing every detail, and reading every possible meaning. Seeking every potential way out of his method of energy manipulation, when it dawned on him. How much? How much can he take? Rather. How much can he manipulate before being overwhelmed? What are the depths? An ability such as his always leaves gaps of logic. As mortals don't always cover every single angle, there was always something to be exploited with their more tricky magic. As Tetsue rolled away, The Baron took two incredibly fast leaps backwards. Lifting his body with his mind to increase the length of his jumps, he put a considerable distance between he and Tetsue. This was just part one of an incredibly ingenious plan that had finally clicked. With enough distance between them, his cloud drifted away from his body to the left and right. The cloud slowly came into shape as much smaller shades of The Baron. The lips of the goliath peeled all the way back once more, revealing the grey gums that held in his black teeth to Tetsue. This was the farthest The Baron has pulled his lips back in a long time. It was a smile, if one defines a smile as simply exposing one's teeth to the air. "Warlord. You told me that within your bubble, you are God." Four shades, two on each side, materialized slowly around him. As they formed, each of them weaved a weapon from the air beside them. A dagger, a spear, a claymore and an axe were formed in their hands. Each of the shades as only six feet in height, about the size of a normal man. They were much smaller than the previous doppelganger because they were made of much smaller portions of his fog. The Baron hoisted his blade upwards, aiming its bulk down his arm towards Tetsue of the Xenom. His four clones rushed forward at his command, spreading outwards in twin V-formations. Passing by Tetsue with a fair distance between them and him. "And you have so easily forgotten what I said earlier!" The Baron's voice boomed across the battlefield, shaking windows and disturbing rubble. "That I am far greater than a God!" With his four smaller duplicates fanning out, the Baron moved directly towards Tetsue. This was to keep Tetsue's focus on the most dangerous of his forms, by providing a sufficient threat in and of himself, the smaller threats that were his duplicates would prove to be much more dangerous in the long run. That is not to say that The Baron does not intend to bring further harm to Tetsue personally, but the most effective distraction is a deadly one.