[[color=ff6060]Ember[/color]] Kel, for some reason, decided to approach Ember, and Ember was going to show him how much of a mistake that was. [color=ff6060]"I don't think you WILL tell my parents! Not after I use my powers to CONFUSE YOU!"[/color] Ember shouted at the equine pokemon before using confuse ray, now that Kel was close enough to actually get hit with one of Ember's attacks. He then heard something from the restaurant owner that made him snap... er... again. [color=ff6060]"YOU! Obese purveyor of unhealthy food! I will deal with you later for that misgendering! For now, I must destroy the HORSE for his earlier, similar transgression!"[/color] Ember shouted all of this about as loudly as he had been shouting this whole time. It was truly a wonder that these pokemon haven't gone completely deaf... and that was about the time some bird decided to, for no reason in particular, try to... help Ember? Unfortunately, Ember, despite what he might thing, isn't the brightest flame, so, he responded to the bird's attempted aid with [color=ff6060]"Go away, birdie! This is MY revenge, not yours! I will find some way out of this situation, and I WILL triumph over these FOOLS who can't tell a boy from a girl! In case you don't know... I've already been TRAINING! YES! I have finished the most difficult mystery dungeon TEN TIMES IN A ROW! I think I can handle some stupid, petty bar fight!"[/color] as has already been explained... he's not very smart. A few of the customers seemed to notice Ember, and one of them gestured towards him. [i][color=ff6060]Perhaps they're just speaking high praise about the lone vulpix who destroyed the evil Kel despite a type disadvantage...[/color][/i] Ember thought, as he had no idea what they were saying. Not because he couldn't hear them, but more because he wasn't paying any attention to them. [@Ordure], [@Shiny Keldeo], [@The_written_John] [hr] [[color=purple]Trevor[/color]] We all headed off to the guild, and Devin seemed to sign us up for something. Interestingly, he used the word 'person' rather than pokemon, a mistake someone in my predicament was likely to make, but not something that someone of this world would likely end up doing. I simply nodded and said [color=purple]"Mhm,"[/color] every once in a while as he went through the process, as I was more or less lost in my thoughts until we finally got to the room, itself. It seemed much larger than it probably was, and I ended up asking [color=purple]"So... who's this 'Siward' guy that you reserved a room for, anyways? A friend? Family? Seems like a weird name for a haxorus, but, then again, what do I know about haxorus naming schemes, huh?"[/color] I then just realized what he signed me up for... I was going to be an explorer because of this. [i][color=purple]Oh no... that means I'm going to be RIGHT in the middle of all the danger... of all the fights. Then again, all things considered, it's not like I don't already have a target painted on my back.[/color][/i] I thought before saying something. Originally, I was going to say something about how we shouldn't do this, but, I decided against it, instead saying [color=purple]"So... if we're a team now, we should probably have a name, right? Anyone got any ideas?"[/color] I then tried to think of a few team names on my own... but, I really couldn't think of anything. Of course, since I wasn't very good at coming up with names, with most of my pokemon's names, whenever I was forced to name them (due to certain challenge rules) usually just involved whatever animal they were based off of, and some extra letter, or letters at the end of it, or a name that sort of sounds like the animal they're based off of if that ends up sounding even dumber than usual.