Copen shrugged. "Not at all," he said good-naturedly, tilting his head slightly at her. It was a small restaurant, after all. He couldn't just expect everyone to know it, especially when he himself hadn't sampled every menu in Shine City. At her suggestion, his bright eyes widened slightly - before he nodded excitedly. "Of course! I work tomorrow, yeah." It would be a little weird, serving a girl that he'd set his sights on. At the least, it was an excuse to spend more time with her. Her voice was extremely smooth, he noted. And her accent very light. Interesting. He was about to ask her what she did, when she threw in an excuse about tonight, and proceeded to quickly scrawl her number down on a serviette. Something about a personal and... There was something slightly funny about Mitty. He took her number with a quick, 'Thank you,' before noticing her gaze. Tracking it across, Copen found her to be staring at a little girl. Huh. Alright then. "I look forward to seeing you," the Dane said honestly, taking up his cup again and finishing his coffee. Mmm. That was some good caffeine. What with her poor excuse for tonight though, he couldn't help wondering - was he to be a fling while she was away from her lover? In any case - he flicked his eyes down and up Mitty - he decided he didn't really care.