Flor had made it to the trolley and now the old man had sprung into action to get the old thing to work. He started barking orders that Flor took in very carefully. As he ordered Flor and Ethan their two tasks he froze for a moment not sure which one to react to. Flor heard Ethan's order, but didn't really acknowledge it. He just acted. He instantly sprinted out of the trolley looking for people that needed help to the trolley. One couple was already headed towards the trolley and entered as he exited. He searched around frantically but just saw a lot of statues with those crystals. He noticed a few people taking the crystals. Maybe those were necessary to bring the people back. As Flor was running through the statues grabbing all the crystals he could he noticed something moving. It was another couple. Some tech nerd was shambling towards the trolley rather slowly, while some woman tried to help him. Flor pocketed another crystal he just grabbed and ran over to them. [b]"Come on! We've gotta move!"[/b] He put an arm around the man's waist and another around the woman's. He fired off his boots, propelling the both of them toward the trolley. They rolled inside of it just as the doors shut behind them. [b]"We're good! That's all we're going to get for now. Do what you need to do."[/b] His comment was intended for the old man, but went out to any that would hear it.