So here's some LOLO everyone's current location [s]conveniently placed in hiders to compress this post[/s] [hider=People CURRENTLY in the meeting room...] [s]... being GOOD little characters[/s] [list] [*] Vanth [*] 17 [*] Docia [*] Jacky [*] Brynn/Breaker [/list] [/hider] [hider=People in the HALLS...] [s]...that are taking their SWEET TIME[/s] [list] [*] Aella [*] Haven [*] Talay-a [*] Gideon [*] Ian [*] Maddie [/list] [/hider] [hider=Still trapped in Crystal...] [s]...the princess is in another castle[/s] [list] [*] :magnum (TBA) [/list] [/hider] edit: here's to the 200th OOC post edit 2: thanks for the gold!