[@Simple Unicycle] [color=0072bc]"If you like her in a fan or friendship type of way, what about a [i]relationship[/i] type of way?"[/color] Kim asked while going over to the table and sitting down in the chair. She does a simple wave at Sans then starts eating, her bangs slipping over her eyes and making her stop in mid-bite. Kim puts her bangs behind her left ear, clearly showing the two brothers her different colored eyes, then goes back to eating. [color=0054a6]"Also, if you're skeletons, how do you digest the food, or eat it at all? And why bother wearing clothes? And how do you even see without eyeballs?"[/color] the child babbled on with questions between forks of spaghetti, her voice a little louder so both of them could hear. She asked similar questions to Mettaton, and due to her curiosity, she's doing the same to the brothers. After about twenty questions Kim finally stopped talking with her plate empty of spaghetti, but she stayed sitting on the chair, waiting for at least [b]one[/b] answer or explanation to her questions.