Tim Smiled a bit as she talked, letting his eyes scan the various candies as he crossed his arms over his chest, letting out a small sigh as his eyes landed on something long, colorful, and glazed with sugar. He reached out, tugging one of the long rope-like candies out of its compartment, turning it over in his hands, observing it for a moment before he put it to his mouth, biting off small piece of it near the end. His tongue was immediately assaulted with a sweet, syrupy, nearly painful amount of sugar. His jaw was actually tingling as he chewed into whatever the hell it was. He pulled a face, one that could easily be read as [i]what the actual fuck?[/i] before placing the thing back where it came from. "Ack... no, I'm fine, actually." Tim said, gritting his teeth for a moment, getting his bearings before continuing. "Um, y'know, usually, I would have been a bit of a wreck in that situation, like, socially and physically. Just, imagine a, like, a brutal train wreck. That would have been me. But, I dunno, lately I've been handling these situations with a bit more... ease, I think. I mean, that guy overwhelmed me, yeah, he was super exciting and, and charismatic and stuff, but I didn't freak out or get scared, like I would have a few months ago. I think I have you to thank for that, taking me out and forcing me to interact with people more often." He looked over at Sophia for a moment, just to check if she was still listening. "So, y'know, thanks and stuff."