The brenton didn't even let out a scream, he didn't realise what had happened until it was too late, he crumbled to the floor with a sigh. Ka'ava's eyes widened as she was grabbed by the vampire lord's minion. If looks could kill, the vampire Lord would have been burning like a crisp horker on a cooking pot. "And your kind thinks itself so high and mighty?" She hissed, her voice dropped with malice and hate as she was forced down the steps. She struggled against them, turning her head to let out a scream, "Beasts! The lot of you! Your day of judgement will come, mark my words. Humanity will rise again and you daedric bastard children of Molag Bal will be brought to its knees!" She spat finally, then let the vampire lord's minions take her to the dungeons without any more struggling, satisfied with what she had said. Ka'ava always had a particular dislike for Molag Bal, more so than the other Daedric princes. In her eyes, he was the most cruel; taking away someone's dignity & respect, only to turn them into hideous and twisted monsters afterwards. It made her want to vomit.