[hr][center][h1][color=orange]Anthony Sweetwater[/color][/h1] [b]Central Business District, Point Bordeaux[/b][/center][hr] As Anthony clacked away at his laptop he could hear more people showing up. He took a moment to look up just in time to catch a loving little number of a reporter interviewing an elderly woman. Due to him being tone deaf he made a habit to learn how to read lips. By the looks of it the older woman didn't appretiate hypes. If the sign she held wasn't proof enough. But, the reporter seemed to be a simpithizer. I rare breed if he had to say. He only hoped she did her homework. By his own research Point Bordeux not only was hosting the rally, but supported it by a nearly eighty percent margin. Anyone could tell that by the size of the crowd, and it was still growing. Fairchild Electronics didn't help any with it fear mongering properganda that Anthony could only compare to was the work of Goebels, head of public affairs during Nazi Germany. It made him want to throw up. Shutting down his computer Anthony took off his headphones and hung them around his neck before lifting the hood on his jacket over his head after feeling first drops of rain. He then returned his laptop to the carrier bag on his shoulder before standing and joining the rowdy crowd as they waited for the rally to begin. Keeping his head down and staying quiet he just filtered into the crowd. Being as tall as he was made it hard, but he managed to get half way into the crowd before they were addressed by Robert Fairchild himself. By the dignified yet excitable way he spoke made Anthony's earlier comparison to Nazi Germany fit perfectly with Fairchild resembling a certain mustachioed dictator. Anthony could help but pity the ignorant fools eating the man's garbage right out of his hand. As Anthony continured watching he had to hold back an elated guffaw when he same the demonstration. Even from here Anthony could tell the "Pacifier" was a glorified tazer. Anthony's next thought would have been: "Well nothing wrong with free, and with that giftcard I could make an easy twenty bucks off some shmoe Fairchild fanboy." But, that never happened because as Robert announced the hand out a group of roughnecks crashed the party spouting some crap about the "Freak Train" sitting outside the city. Then Anthony realized just what he was talking about. The convoy. Talking action Anthony quickly played along shouting along with the crowd as he filed with them to grab one of the weapons for himself. When he got one he grinned. [i]Yeah, nothing more than a frickin' tazer. What a joke.[/i] Anthony thought as he nonchalantly gave it a once over with his power. He didn't worry getting caught with how caught up the crowd was already with the mob mentality. Mimicking the other rally-goers he ran for his truck and peeled out of the parking garage. Following the traffic he tossed his Durango in four wheel drive in anticipation for offroading he expected might happen to get past the slower cars.