[@Write] The stiff hand opened without much difficulty. The note, despite the now-deceased girl's efforts, wasn't completely saved from the blood. Still, the most important sections of the note was saved. [hider=The Note][img]http://i.imgur.com/ZW3uneQ.png[/img][/hider] It seemed like the girl's last message was a map, along with some obscure images. [@drewccapp] As you reached the intersection, there were only two ways that you could go. Up north or to west. Both of the ways were empty and dark. Both would require a brave step forward, into the unknown. Though, there was a creeping feeling of being watched by some entity. Well, that feeling had been there for a while, but it felt as though something was near. [@tatszico] As you struck the door frame, you felt pain surge from your hand to your arm. What you struck was pure concrete; coarsely sharp and tough. It wasn't quite the best idea to hit something like that, but there was no real damage to your fist.