[hider=Dr. Franklin Arlington and 'Scar'] NAME - Dr. Franklin Arlington III AGE - 35 GENDER - Male APPEARANCE - A man of average height, standing at about 5 feet 10 inches, and with an average build and weight of about 184 pounds. He has neatly trimmed and groomed black hair, with an equally neat beard. His face is completely free of blemishes, scars, wrinkles, or other marks or imperfections, and he is proud of it. His wardrobe consists solely of various color suits, as clean as humanly possible given global conditions, and a refurbished black bowler hat. He carries a .44 magnum revolver in a shoulder holster under his suit jacket, and has an accompanied pack Brahman laden with various items for sale. PERSONALITY - A sly, cunning trader, Franklin is always doing his best to con people out of every last cap, usually without them ever realizing it until it is far too late. When speaking to potential customers, he is always polite, charismatic, and quite friendly. However, when threatened, shouted at, or otherwise receiving of hostile actions, he becomes cowardly, ducking behind his larger bodyguard, and only fighting as a last resort. FACTION - Plans to manipulate both for the gain of himself and his partner. BIOGRAPHY - Born in a lost-to-the-ages vault, whose experiment was to raise thieves, scum and other lowlifes in a high-class setting, Franklin was sleazy from the start. When he was 10, he managed to con just about every other kid out of their favorite toys, and only gave them back when they banded together to beat him up. By 15 he was constantly "obtaining" malfunctioning vault equipment and attempting to return it in "good-as-new" condition for a reward. By 19 he earned himself a one-way ticket to the wasteland, when his one of his cons cost a security guard his life via a broken 10mm pistol. Once exiled from the vault, he took to wandering the wastes, conning people out of their best equipment, and running for his life when they caught on. After several years alone, he found himself a true friend in his current bodyguard, the man simply known as "Scar". Together they continued their travels, Franklin parting people with their hard-earned goods, and Scar stopping them from killing Franklin with a simple cracking of his knuckles and a glare. S.P.E.C.I.A.L - [40 points - Maximum of 10] STRENGTH - 4 PERCEPTION - 4 ENDURANCE - 4 CHARISMA - 10 INTELLIGENCE - 5 AGILITY - 4 LUCK - 9 PERKS - [Up to Three] - Master Trader - Speaker - Scoundrel OTHER - His pack brahman is laden with various broken, malfunctioning, or otherwise useless products that have been reworked to appear as high-quality goods. From overheating laser rifles, to stimpaks with fake needle tips, he has everything he needs to begin conning the Bayou wasteland out of every last cap it owns. [hr]NAME - Known as "Scar", real name unknown. AGE - 24 GENDER - Male APPEARANCE - A large, burly man, at an impressive 6 feet 7 inches, and a whopping 245 pounds, Scar is a mass of tough sinew and muscle. His nickname comes from the large scar running down the left side of his face, narrowly missing his eye, and ending at the tip of his chin. He has stubble in place of head hair, and a gold left front tooth. His attire is mainly a rugged leather jacket with the left sleeve missing, a black long-sleeve shirt under that, black denim pants, tan combat boots with an occupied knife sheath, fingerless leather gloves, an ammo bandoleer, and a pouch bandoleer. He carries a light machine gun chambered in 5.56 caliber, with a .45 caliber handgun as a sidearm. He also keeps a pair of brass knuckles handy. PERSONALITY - Gruff, crude, harsh, just to name a few traits. He's the epiphany of every mercenary, raider, and bounty hunter stereotype rolled into one giant package. He'll sooner punch your lights out for helping him than say thank you, then beat you again for apologizing. The only person he doesn't show any sort of contempt for is Franklin, though nobody BUT Franklin has any clue why. FACTION - Franklin and his cons BIOGRAPHY - Born in the raider-infested hellhole that is Detroit, Michigan, Scar grew up with death all around. His father killed his mother when he was 6, taking him to run with a raider gang. By 10, he had killed at least 5 people, and by 15, his father was part of that list. After that, he left, wanting to find a life where he could do things besides killing. Not much is known about his wandering, though there is one tale about him that both him and Franklin love to tell, and that is how he earned the scar that gave him his name. He was in the ruins of Indianapolis, when a deathclaw charged him and his small band of allies. Two of the four were slaughtered in a single swipe of its claw. Even after unloading an entire ammo box from his machine gun into the beast, it still charged on. So Scar did the impossible, he drew his knife, and charged right back at it, screaming at the top of his lungs. According to the other survivor, and a few other scattered witnesses, Scar ended up killing it with just the knife and his hands. The only supporting evidence is the large gash running across his face, and the severed deathclaw hand Scar keeps on his person. Shortly after, Scar would meet up with Franklin, and the two would become inseparable allies from then on. S.P.E.C.I.A.L - [40 points - Maximum of 10] STRENGTH - 10 PERCEPTION - 5 ENDURANCE - 8 CHARISMA - 4 INTELLIGENCE - 4 AGILITY - 5 LUCK - 4 PERKS - [Up to Three] - Terrifying Presence - Iron Fist - Ferocious Loyalty OTHER - N/A [/hider]