[u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Mao Everett [u][b]Alias[/b][/u]: Alloy [u][b]Age[/b][/u]: 17 [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: [img]http://pre02.deviantart.net/1b01/th/pre/i/2010/263/9/b/canaan_rennant_by_tongman-d2z3tuf.jpg[/img] Mao stands at a relatively average height for a guy of his age at approximately 5'11", with a weight of 168 lbs. His physique is that of an athlete; toned and lithe with little visible body fat. [u][b]Gender[/b][/u]: Male [u][b]Powers/Equipment[/b][/u]: Mao has the ability to produce a metallic substance of similar strength and lightness to titanium from his sweat glands at will, as well as produce a secondary substance that causes metals of the same or a similar composition to become brittle. [u][b]Weakness[/b][/u]: The metallic substance he creates has several flaws to it, chief among them being the fact that it's production barely extends past the dermal level, meaning that a blow of sufficient force can pierce it, the second flaw is the fact that this substance leaves zero room for finger and joint articulation unless Mao intentionally leaves gaps between the bits of metal like a suit of armor, which leaves soft flesh vulnerable to attack if he isn't careful, and the final flaw is that the substance he produces comes at the cost of bodily fluids and fat reserves, meaning he requires large amounts of food and drink after each usage or he runs the risk of severe dehydration, malnutrition, or other unhealthy side effects. [u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: A laid back and somewhat lazy fellow, Mao is generally reluctant to put any more energy into an activity than he absolutely has to when it comes to tasks. Further adding to this slothfulness is the fact that Mao extremely patient and often chooses to do things one bit at a time unless given proper motivation. This is not to say that Mao is an absolutely slovenly human being: he can be a surprisingly hard worker if need be, it's just that so long as he can do things on his terms he'll choose the easier route nine times out of ten. [u][b]History[/b][/u]: Mao has had a fairly unremarkable life up until the disappearance of the leading forces of the Justice League: Even though his powers manifested at a relatively young age, the fact that his parents were quick to explain to him the dangers of showing off his abilities in public in the hopes of providing him with as normal a childhood as they possibly could meant that he went completely unnoticed by anyone that may have taken issue with what he was. Mao did all the same things that normal children and teens did: He went to school, hung out with friends, held the occasional summer job, and picked up an after school activity to stop his parent's hounding. Unfortunately, it was because of his after school activity of choice that he was landed in the situation he was in. Being that he disliked most sports, and his parents wouldn't have been satisfied with him choosing an activity that didn't involve him actually being active, Mao chose to dabble in the martial arts, picking up a muy thai class to satisfy is parents. He picked up more than a few interesting tricks during his classes, however due to his lazy nature Mao struggled to get anywhere beyond the lower percentile of his class while everyone else went on ahead. This pattern would have likely continued where it not for the fact that after a few too many blows to the head during a sparing match Mao's patience finally ran out. A strong kick to the ribs with a metal coated shin was all it took to send his sparing partner to the hospital and blow his cover as a normal person. As several of his classmates actually went to his school, word traveled pretty quickly about his ability, which saw Mao receiving his fair share of harassment by his peers and even a few teachers. The disappearance of the key members of the justice league not too long afterwards only further exasperated the situation to the point where even Mao's parents were targeted by hate groups for keeping him. When talks of the family picking up shop and moving elsewhere started to surface Mao chose instead to strike out on his own to save his parents the trouble, finding himself an apartment on the opposite end of town which he paid for with odd jobs. Life got quite a bit harder for Mao as metahuman discrimination saw him barely bringing enough cash home to both pay for his suspiciously increasing rent and feed himself. At some point he would seek out the Titans after hearing of a group that fought against metahuman discrimination [u][b]Other[/b][/u]: Mao is a damned good cook. The fact that he frequently found himself having to experiment with whatever food he could bring home means that he has a good idea of what blends well with what.