The Lords eye opened wide at the appearance of lesser clones forming from the beasts smoke, out numbering him entirely. Immediately he felt his wrath grow exponentially at the disrespect being displayed. The entire concept of his Yuuseigan was to level the playing field and still this monster chose not honor, but through cheats. The distorted air around the large bubble they resided in grew in pressure, entire buildings beginning to bend inwards to Tetsue's reaction. How much longer could this city withstand their bout? How much longer until it would be flattened by their power? Perhaps not much longer. The God-Killer, in response to this threat immediately drew his left foot back and leaned into his forward right before bringing his God-Killer down to his left side, as if within an invisible sheath. His left hand took hold upon the blades surface, coiling his digits around the surface while hunching his shoulders down. "So be it..." he whispered to himself. His body, while on fire from his injuries, tensed up in preperation though his eye never left the Baron, even with the advancement of its minions. They prepared to surround the Lord and he could anticipate it with sheer knowledge of battle strategy. He understood that with reacting to the Baron's attack his minions would be there to fill in the gaps to his attack. He understood that now he was going to have to stop playing with the goliath and reveal his true skill and nature. The minions advanced, two on either side of the path to the Lord but again, his eye did not shift. Each step they took was responded to with a deep inhale, and every meter of distance they gained was a soothing exhale. His emotions began to drain away, evaporating until nothing but cool serenity filled his mind and heart, leaving his emotions to be restless in wanting anticipation outside of the Doujutsu's ability. "That I am far greater than a God!" the bellowing voice of the Baron unphasing to the master of the Sands and was simply met with hihs shoulders lowering even more. He was ready. "Battoujutsu..." he whispered. The minions had now passed him and it was the Baron who charged forth now, stampeding its way right towards the Lord. "Rising Sun..." he followed up. Closer. "Of..." Closer. "Falling..." Just a little closer. "Moon." The Goliath was perhaps 10 feet away from Tetsue at the point he leapt forwards, clearing a good six feet with ease before whipping his bladed arm upwards in a diagonal slash to his upper right. With ease of both his arm span and the additional five feet of his double edged long sword it would slice through steel and flesh if the monster did not react well enough. Without the added effect of momentum or force, however, it would have made this far more difficult to avoid. But it's what Tetsue did throughout the slash that would be a defining moment in this battle; in mid-air as he began his Battoujutsu he actually allowed his body to spin with the slash so that he landed with his back towards the beast. Normally this would have been a fatal mistake. But then they weren't doing a Battoujutsu, a technique built on drawing and resheathing, meaning his blade immediately returned down to his lower left side, only to have the Lord crouch and bend over, using the open hole he made with his hand for the blade to slide back into to alter its path. The blade shifted immediately straight out at an upwards angle, rather than down, potentially impaling the goliaths stomach. Normally this would have meant immediate death to those of normal stature, but the goliath was a monster, almost twice the size of Tetsue, so for his blade to kill, even at that short of a distance, he would require the entire blade to penetrate through, not just a foot or so worth. But that was not all. With his eye now on the minions that had moved to surround him at one point, he lunged forward, away from the collosal, preparing yet another Battoujuts slash mid flight.