Races: Morians (Humans.), Elves, Orcs, Halflings (Half one race, half another), Nymphs, Dwarves, For other race ideas (We are pretty open) Pm me or Dsnake1 A great darkness had descended upon the world of Rune . A darkness unlike any form of darkness ever seen upon the planet of Rune. It was not a darkness as one would think, a darkness of the weather or time, but rather a darkness of minds and hearts. The presence of Lord Death and his army of Fiends was enough to cause the races to expirence a rage unlike any other, a rage that consumed their very souls. A rage great enough, that with a little push the races would go to war. A war that would last many years, a world war. There were no sides in this war, the Elves hated all other races, as did the Orcs, Halflings, and every other race on the planet. There could be only one victor, or none at all. Most if not all Races have enlisted mandatory milita service, only sending more of their men to die, whether they die by each other or Lord Death, only time would tell. Details of Moria Outline: More exotic and dangerous creatures. Extreme landscapes. Shifts from Mountains to forests without a buffer. More volcanoes and other dangerous landforms. Many varied forms of races, mostly human. Many towns, vilages, cities, etc. Same thing with races classes: Mage+Specilazations, warrior, Spy(Rogue-esque, see description below.) Archer, Animal tamer, Shaman, Brawler(Fighter who focuses on unarmed combat) Were-classses: Wolf, bear, (more animals?)Falcon. All Were-people are in control of their beasts when they turn, except their personality changes slightly, not as much as a shaman. However it does include some effects: The were-wolf is a more intelligent beast that has more brains than the bear but is not as strong as the bear. Nor is it as smart as the Falcon. http://i27.tinypic.com/16j10zr.png Were-Bear: Strong but less intelligent than the rest, it solves problems head first with little thought Were-Falcon: Very intelligent but less Brawn than the rest. It makes traps and is very agile. Non noticablly understood classes: Spy: This class is all about sneaking, sabatoge, and the art of assasination. They specialize in creating poisons and complex traps. They are usually of the nature of murder. They are experts at going about un-noticed, as to be a spy you have to have illusory magic. Not much but enought that if you were caught by an orc, you could make them think you're an orc Animal tamer/hunter: An animal tamer is akin to a hunter, they tend to use bows, however they can communicate to most lame animals. They gain a special bond to animals and fight alongside them. However only few animals are lame enough to achieve such a bond. They may also ask most creatures for simple help and never get a bond with them. They understand the circle of life, as do the animals that they hunt. Shaman: This class is about being one with nature. They are something like a cross between a warrior and a priest/druid. They have the ability to use slight healing magic, some offensive magic, but their main strength is their ability to transform into either a bear or a wolf. The only downfall to this ability is you lose your sense of "humanity" and become very animalistic. Brawler: This class is for those who like to get ruff and tuff, those who like to explain with their fists. It's all punch first, think later. With this class, weapons are for wimps. Brawlers use their extreme brawn to knock the lights out on their enemies. Easily agitated and very fiesty. They are drawn to alcohol and it only increases their want to fight. Okay now: Mage classes: healing, elemental (Fire, wind, water, nature, earth, lightning), mind magic, illusory,Enchantment, Support( Buffs, shields, enemy curses/debuffs), energy channeling (To make a stick as deadly as a club). Class limits: Morians (Humans.)-Can be all Elves-Can be all but were-people Orcs-Can not use magic Halflings (Half one race, half another)-Depends Nymphs-Can only use magic Dwarves-can use all (Dwarven were beasts are half the size of other were beasts) magic specializations: Healing, Elemental (Fire, Lightning, Nature, Water, Wind), support(Buffs and debuffs), Illusory, More will be added soon, I have lost my list. CS Name: Race: Class: Backstory Appearance: Weapon choice: Armor choice: Current equipment: Age: Gender: --- There is the original OOC. I will be updating it and revamping the style tomorrow (Monday 20). As of now, I am waiting for people from the backup site to repost their CS's, but if they do not in a reasonable amount of time, this will open to the public again.