[b][color=f26522]Werehouse: Cyrax[/color][/b] Cyrax quickly gets out of the car, along with his new... how would he call him... snake-friend dude. All he was doing was just walking around the city, scrambling for food and stealing all sorts of shit from oncoming pedestrians, and now he's somehow not only with this guy, but also going to work for some group of some sort. He has barely any idea on what he was getting himself into, but all he knows now that they were both late to the invitation. All due to traffic being a bitch though, rush hour on these days are an absolute nightmare. If only he could somehow fly with his one mechanical arm, let alone get a second~ nah nevermind that. Either way, after getting himself called Emobot and his partner Snake-Charmer, they now have to fight what appears to be some sort of lame superhero. It was pathetic really, I mean Magic Missile? Thats the lamest and stupidest name he has ever heard. And so far he hasn't spoken a single word, maybe nodded like once or twice, but that was all it in the social communication department. But enough about his depressing day and life so far, there's a battle he has to win. As the Emerald Sorcerer goes in for some quick melee attacks, Cyrax stays in the back as he provides cover fire. His mechanical hand unleashes several volleys of yellow-orange plasma at the hero. Even if several blasts won't do the job, he can just call on a long, consistent, beam to cause him a bad day. Not like his day was any better though...