Nadine could feel her nails cutting creases into the ottoman's fabric as he whisked his lips out of reach. While this was no physical torment, the art of an aloof nature also enticed her desires for Gabriel, and Gabriel specifically. Men and women were a dime a dozen, including the shallow predicaments of a one night stand. What occupied the senses inside of her as a human being, privately in the night she imagined him accepting her. He could encounter a metamorphosis Nadine underwent within her own sexuality, even if Gabriel needed her to keep the extra accessories locked up in the closet. "You believe your honesty will keep you safe from my tricks? If you wanted to play by your own rules," she raised to the heels of her pale feet, "You should have been clever enough to take me to your home instead." Never the less, her soft steps swindled her around, her back within his sight. The belt looped around her neck as a means of freeing her hands. Going to work nimbly on the ribbon lacing the corset's sides together, Nadine unraveled her top first. It sighed gently open and she freed her torso, revealing a pattern of scar tissue from years of practiced maso-sadism. It was centralized over her shoulders, shallow and merely discolored in their markings, some thin, some long and whipped over her body. She quickly let her hair down from the rubberband that held it, and it draped over the history in long thin tendrils. The corset was thrown over her shoulder, hoping to hit her mark of him. Nadine was starting to unbuckle and unzip her pants, the buckle of his belt balanced in her grip while she did. She looked at him in a small turn of her body, the flesh of chest peeking out from around her arm. "Please come help me with this," she softly chided, and as an act of compromise, tossed the belt aside to the couch. Nadine was profoundly stubborn about feeling insecure over her nature. Some days were easier than others to realize what kind of extremes she needed to satisfy her sexualities. She had long surpassed the period where she wallowed in pity or the need to blame others for her own behavior. She understood and remained very flexible in balancing her impulses and liked to believe that despite the extremes, she was functioning in the real world. The art, which decorated every facade of the apartment whether it be framed and finished, or a work in progress, helped stimulate and focus her triggers. The removal of most drugs, many failing partnerships, and the reserved nature of many of her mentors collected Nadine together. The pieces in the living room were large and crawling with humans morphed with metal alloys, creatures that exaggerated their own mythical properties as they jumped out from their environments, and skulls rotten from the cranium, over grown with fungal fantasies of luminous colors. They were intricate and even in the dark of the apartment they fend realistic sophistication. The dichotomy of black-and-white to psychedelic color tones brought a sense of hot-and-cold that decorated an otherwise modest home. "I have to tell you," she dropped her voice to a whisper when he drew closer, "To keep two secrets to yourself." She licked her lips and suddenly revealed the playful bead of a tongue ring. "One, is the magic I showed you." Her laughter gently bounced the weight of her chest. "And the second..." Her fingers creeped the line of his pants, beginning to dance over the hem before plucking the button from its clasp.