Blanka laughs everything happening so quickly! And this Cap is clearly more than just a dude in suit, probably good for an adventure! Maybe he can hook us up with some skis and we can shred the wake! Then Kev loses his shit! Vacation mode engaged! "If eating your phone lets you say and do what you want, I would happily lose three teeth eating your next one! Hell I would sacrifice a whole mouth full eating a Nokia!" Kev starts ordering more drinks...."Yo I know it was on someone else's tab but don't go charging the guy a fortune!" He starts to laugh at the rapid change from just a little bit of liquor. "Dude I am always ready for some fun! Wanna explore? Go swimming! Oh wait I think we can get them to crank up some grungy music!" He starts looking about the deck wondering where Cap and Nai went. "Dude Nai is always doing that. remember that one time I got lost in the mountains looking for you two! Just glad you stuck with me this time, In the mountains I at least feel safe! Here I feel like half the people wanna eat me." Glancing over at a Avian of some kind, licking her beak in a rather suggestive manner. "Dude see. Its like I am covered in whip cream or something." Blanka misinterpreting the gesture entirely.