[color=9e0b0f][u][i][b]Kurosawa Emi:[/b][/i][/u][/color] [hider= Emi] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/f1519e2d4d0c563314c14229d467a35e/tumblr_n6xrl2NnxG1tchrwdo1_400.jpg[/img] [color=9e0b0f]"Why will no one love me? No nevermind, I know the reason."[/color] Kurosawa never fails to wear long sleeves and often wears a maroon colored dress over a white blouse. Her chest is a bit larger and that makes her feel very self-conscious. Her shoes are normal black flats which are about the only skin you can see of her body. Long sleeves are worn because of the bruises and scars that have occupied her skin. She will pull them up at times and the marks will become visible but after she realizes that someone has seen it, she will quickly pull them back down. Her height is a pretty average. [hider=Extra images of Emi/Elise!] [img]http://i1154.photobucket.com/albums/p522/iiiItzel/Butterfly-Red-Eyes-Anime-Girls-Pig-Accel-World-Butterfly-Wings-Black-Hair-Kuroyukihime_zpsa2ac763e-1_zps09549f97.jpg[/img] [img]http://wallup.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/115647-Akame_ga_Kill-Akame-anime_girls-maid_outfit-red_eyes-long_hair-black_hair-736x459.jpg[/img] [img]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-3-X96x7Q65Y/U5NUOWemF0I/AAAAAAAAcrs/hrM18JcEBV8/39156833.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.wallpapername.com/thumbnails/detail/20121102/touhou%20dress%20fences%20long%20hair%20red%20eyes%20houraisan%20kaguya%20flower%20petals%20anime%20girls%20ideolo%20black%20hair_www.wallpapername.com_76.jpg[/img] [img]http://wallup.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/157639-anime-headphones-red_eyes-black_hair-anime_girls-happy-THE_iDOLM@STER_Cinderella_Girls-Shibuya_Rin-736x459.jpg[/img] [/hider] Titles: Master Kurosawa, Emi (only people that she is close to), trash (Only called this by her mother and father). Age: 17 (18 IN one week) Gender: Female Race: Fallen Angel and a witch [color=9e0b0f] "Love..? I-I... No one deserves to have to be with a person like me."[/color] Sexuality: She has never fallen in love (Or she did not realize) but she thinks that it would be Demisexual. >Love is something that she loves to watch happen. One of her favorite types of novels to read are romance novels (Favorite are mystery novels). I guess she would like it if someone were to love her but she does not think that it is actually possible. If someone fell for her, she would most likely not notice much at all. Year: 5 (However, Elise would be a year 6) Ranking class: Enchanter [color=9e0b0f]"I'ts a curse."[/color] Magic: Pythones: Torture (Main) Elise and Verin Strengths: The power to give others the feeling of torture to anyone that she wants to. It transfers the pain 2 times worse than the pain she is experiencing or thinking of at the time. If she were to be dying, she could give 2/3 of the pain to the other person while having to only deal with 1/3 of it afterward. Weaknesses: This power is something that wants to cause pain to others. If she actually suppresses the urge, the pain will not only cause her to have the pain 2 times worse but if she is thinking of something like torture, it will make that pain become extremely real and sometimes worse. Also, once she manages to suppress it, coughing up blood and getting a major headache is a normal occurrence. -Loves weapons and such~ -Pretty much every spell she does has a set back for herself and occasionally others. >The power has a personality of its own. It is the darker side of Emi, mixed with anger. Emi does not know this, but if she blacks out, there is a chance that her other side will take control of her body. However, this is a rare occurrence and only happens when Emi is extremely depressed. The personality is brutal, rude, and very sarcastic but it does have it's good sides. The only reason it is like this is because it is mad at Emi for allowing herself to always get pushed around and beaten. The only time it has come out was when she had to get away from her parents. What happened was _____. Often joins in on her thoughts and calls herself Elise. [hider=Elise] [img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbseg/1432/1432353-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] [color=9e0b0f]"Who, me? I just want to have some fun~" [/color][/hider] - She's a potion freak. Obsessed with them. Magic 2- Verandia: Dark beauty Though not perfect, she has the ability to create beauty with her sorrow. Often her sadness will create black and red roses around her. Other times it will simply cause a dark shadow to appear behind her. . What of? -- Reveal later(powerful). These roses are a powerful barrier and the flowers are physical. You could touch them but also block an attack with it. -Can summon at any time if she is Elise. Afterwards Emi will be in a... bad state. Downside- She does not do this on purpose which means that something bad comes when it happens. The red roses will most likely create a sharp pain causing her to cough blood or simply begin to drip blood from her fingernails. (Used to this). [color=9e0b0f]"I don't have anything like that..."[/color] Skills: Reading and writing are something she excels in but math and science are a passion of hers. Math is her favorite subject to learn about. As well as her main spell, if she actually wanted to she is able to enchant people to follow her orders for about 10 minutes. She learned this from Akito Drawing and playing the violin are things that she is very good at and does often. Though whenever she draws something, she will most likely rip it up afterward. (Mostly scenery and other things that she sees) Catalyst: A scar that is star shaped with a sword in the middle, which was inflicted onto her by her mother. It is positioned on her arm, just above her wrist. It appears to be bleeding but that is just the way it appears. While it does give her more strength, the main reason it was given to her at the time was punishment. For the first 2 months that she had it, it often caused her to blackout and have extreme pains within her body. It does still hurt, so if someone were to grab her arm suddenly and grip onto it, there is a high chance that she will begin to scream a bit and tears may fall. (Made by the shadow sword) Inventory: She always has a black satchel. It contains a full on first aid kid, a pencil, various pills for different reasons (No, not illegal drugs), notepad, a strip of paper that says the words "To die is only to flee" It is her good luck charm given to her by ______, always a book, and a bunch of more stuff to help her get through a day. > Her weapon is a powerful shadow sword that was given to her by her father. She only knows the name and that it can break just about anything it touches. Also, if she manages to concentrate enough, it has the power to heal wounds. It only appears when she wants it to. Thoughts are what trigger it to show in her hands. [hider=Shadow sword] [img]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m157/magix1989/sword-shadow.jpg[/img] [/hider] The sword causes her to remember and experience the pain that her father caused her. It takes her back to a cage that she was often chained in and will last for about 15-20 minutes. She will cry and then rest for a while after using it. The reason is that though this is a powerful weapon that can help her, the main reason her father bound it to her was because he cast a spell over it to contain every horrible thing that was done to her. >It can also transform into a violin. She learned how to play the violin when she was 5, secretly and has practically mastered it. The only thing that makes her truly happy is about only playing the violin. She mostly plays it when she is alone and does not like tot be watched playing, not that she would notice if someone saw her. However, this does not change the fact that it makes her sad at the same time. Tears will fall but she will be happy all the same. (Confusing, no?) [hider= Violin form] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/20/c1/b4/20c1b42fa4b22d65fc5812ba5b44a4be.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=9e0b0f]"...It's all my fault."[/color] Familiar: Not a familiar but she used to have a loyal servant/friend that helps her when she needs it. He is gone now so I guess not. [color=9e0b0f]" W-why would anyone even want me in their squad..?"[/color] Squad Name: --- May join later if she wants to. [color=9e0b0f]"I-I...Sorry."[/color] Personality: Emi is someone that practically hates herself and never thought that she deserved to live. She may come off as a girl that doesn't care about others to some people but that is not true at all. She does try her best to be less negative so that the people around her are not affected but often fails. Extremely shy, jittery, and awkward in front of people that she doesn't know but is more clingy, cute, and sweet with people she is used to. Even if she is used to them, that does not mean that she actually laughs a lot around them. It just means that she can actually smile more with them. She does love and treasure the people that she is close to which mostly consisted of Tanakasa Akito. She is very easy to scare and becomes worried about others easily. Complimenting people is a habit of hers but she is not a fan of receiving them. She is not exactly capable of hating anyone. Her parents are not even hated by her since she believes that she deserves everything bad that comes to her. -Making her laugh wholeheartedly isn't hard but it isn't easy either. [color=9e0b0f]"I-It wasn't their fault, ok? Don't blame them. They had their own reason. I was the one that caused them grief."[/color] Background: Born into a rich family in Japan, she was often expected to become a proper and prestigious woman to rule the house. They lived in a traditional Japanese home. Her parents were often looked up to by the people around and called the most "honest and kind" people. However, her parents were not as perfect as they seemed. Her father often beat her at night while her mom verbally abused her day and night. Father and mother just told her that she deserved it every time for being born. This started when she was 5. At this time, it was only occasionally punches and slaps but it got more extreme by the day. The only person that helped her ever was Akito. He was able to save her one day, finding her chained up after 1 week. He took her to his father's home and they decided to have her stay there. She lived there for 1 year until his father sent them to Liseranna so that they could master their magic and get away from their hometown. Before they could leave together, Akito went missing. She searched for 1 month but no luck. She still thinks that her parents had something to do with it but when she went to see them, they denied it and nearly caught her again, causing her to run away before they could.-Not whole story. More in IC. [i][color=9e0b0f]"I only want for you to smile a true smile. Don't worry about me. I'll be happy if you as long as you are."[/color][/i] [/hider]