[color=salmon][center][h1]Lucie Keller[/h1][/center][/color] [hr] [center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5bgzjH07Z1rosovg.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [center][b]Location:[/b] The Party [b]Interacting with:[/b] @Dom [@Xtreme] @Everyone at the Party [/center] [hr] Amidst her blushing, Lucie was glad to know that Connor had enjoyed her gift. That made her efforts all worth-while then. He'd said he'll make it to her unless he was distracted by something later in the night. Make it up how? She was about to think further when she shook that thought from her mind. It probably won't happen anyway, as the guy is bound to get distracted one way or another tonight. Walking off, she made her way to Dom as he called for her. [color=salmon][b]"Hey Dom, thanks! I'm totally up for drinks anytime! Just give me a call, and I'll be there."[/b][/color] She chuckled as her best friend made a mistake of confusing the place she had recently came back from. [color=salmon][b]"Oh, and it's Germany not Russia!"[/b][/color] Lucie then gathered around with the rest of the group as the birthday girl began to make her thank-you speech. The speech was lovely and Lucie was all smiles, happy at the joyous occasion that was Nat's birthday. Unfortunately, this period of happiness was not to last. A guy popped up from nowhere, someone who she wasn't in the least familiar with. [color=salmon][b]"Who's that?"[/b][/color] She asked, but her question soon went unanswered, totally swallowed by the act the unknown guy did next. Lucie thought he was probably another friend of hers that she didn't know about, she had been gone for a while after all, but it was after he made his greeting that he committed the outrageous act. He poured his beer all over Nat's head, soaking her head in beer, and if that wasn't bad enough, the guy then spat at her. Lucie was utterly flabbergasted. [i]The gall![/i] Unsurprisingly, her fellow friends soon took action as the surprise of the act wore off. Dom went at him, unleashing a tirade at the offensive smaller guy. The action soon started, as Dom went at him. Claire was next, and she had her time with the guy. She was eventually stopped by Tas to prevent further damages to the guy, whose name she had learnt (courtesy of Eva) was Edgar or Ed. If Ed thought that was all he had coming, he would be terribly wrong indeed. The worst had yet to come. What came next was even worst. [i]The wrath of the drunken Jay.[/i] [i]She bade good luck to him, Lucie wouldn't even wish the wrath of the drunken Jay on the worst of her enemies.[/i] The punches soon came flying soon enough along with the slaps. Backing out of the immediate vicinity to get out of the action and avoid any stray punches, slaps or kicks from landing onto her, yet still close enough to see clearly what was going on. While everyone's attention was solely concentrated on the Jay having at it with Edgar, Lucie whipped out her phone, angling the phone correctly to get the lot of it in the frame. Brandishing a peace sign accompanied by a series of cheeky smiles, she took several selfies with the violent scene of Jay thrashing Ed in the background played out. *Snap* *Snap* *Snap* With the pictures taken, she then adeptly captioned the picture "At Nat's Birthday Party! xD" and included the following trendy hashtags before uploading the picture onto her Instagram account. [b][color=salmon]#Natsbirthdayparty #UnleashtheJayJay #WhoisEd[/color][/b]