[hider=Nathan][center][img]http://conceptartworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Assassins_Creed_Syndicate_Jack_the_Ripper_Concept_Art_by_MY_09.jpg[/img] [color=#6aa84f][h1]Fear me.[/h1][/color] [hr][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=The%20Basics&name=Overseer%20Oblique.ttf&size=50&style_color=6AA84F[/img][/center] [color=#6aa84f][b]NAME -[/b][/color] Nathan Crawford [color=#6aa84f][b]NICKNAMES -[/b][/color] Occasionally gets called Crawford. [color=#6aa84f][b]ALIASES -[/b][/color] Jack the Ripper; The Ripper [color=#6aa84f][b]AGE -[/b][/color] 39 [color=#6aa84f][b]GENDER -[/b][/color] Male [color=#6aa84f][b]SEXUALITY -[/b][/color] Asexual [center][hr][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=In%20The%20Mirror&name=Overseer%20Oblique.ttf&size=50&style_color=6AA84F[/img][/center] [color=#6aa84f][b]HEIGHT -[/b][/color] 6’3” [color=#6aa84f][b]WEIGHT -[/b][/color] 165 lbs [color=#6aa84f][b]BUILD -[/b][/color] Lean & Muscular [color=#6aa84f][b]EYE COLOUR -[/b][/color] Emerald [color=#6aa84f][b]HAIR COLOUR -[/b][/color] Dirty Grey-Brown [color=#6aa84f][b]SKIN TONE -[/b][/color] Tanned [color=#6aa84f][b]TATTOOS -[/b][/color] None [color=#6aa84f][b]SCARS -[/b][/color] He has a small scar just underneath his left eye, and one that goes from his right shoulder to the middle of his spine. [color=#6aa84f][b]PIERCINGS -[/b][/color] None [color=#6aa84f][b]FACIAL HAIR -[/b][/color] He hasn’t got much in the terms of facial hair, just scraggly stubble, with each strand around three to five millimetres. [color=#6aa84f][b]ATTIRE -[/b][/color] Nathan wears Victorian-esque clothing, similar to that of which was depicted in the pictures of some of his books. You can be sure to catch him in the smartest clothing available, albeit not in exactly good condition. However, while he’s “The Ripper”, he reverts to wearing his old Vault jumpsuit, concealed by a heavy, black, leather duster. Meanwhile, his face is covered by a mismatch mask, created from different pieces of leather, in different shades of brown, with only two holes for his eyes, and a slit across the mouth for him to breathe through. To top it all off, he wears a battered, dusty top hat, with a triangular chunk missing from the back of the brim. [center][hr][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=What%20Makes%20Me%20S.P.E.C.I.A.L&name=Overseer%20Oblique.ttf&size=50&style_color=6AA84F[/img][/center] [color=#6aa84f][b]PERSONALITY -[/b][/color] Nathan is cunning, deceitful, and sadistic. Turns out, being isolated from the rest of the world for quite some time has effects on your brain. He’s obsessed with Jack the Ripper, and being feared by all, that he’ll lie, manipulate and murder if it means he can have his dream come true. Of course, he’s incredibly good at hiding his “secret identity”, and he does what he must in secret so he can keep his good image sustained. This doesn’t mean he goes without his cock-ups, or occasional slip-ups, though. Another “quirk” of his is that he can go into random bursts of rage, which isn’t surprising, considering he was lied to for most of his life. When he does this, he’ll often start off feeling slightly agitated, then slowly lose control, tearing up the place. Sometimes, the only way he can make it stop is to go on a killing spree, which he sees as “making a good thing out of something bad”. (Sick bastard.) Crawford’s final quirk is that he can often go into full on, end-of-Alfred-Hitchock’s-Psycho, creepy-ass grin, followed by manic laughing. It often happens in public, and when it does, he has to rush to a secluded area. After all, it’s a little suspicious when a man just suddenly starts laughing like a maniac in the middle of the crowds, isn’t it? Even then, there have been a few close calls where he’s almost been caught. He’s trying to control both of his quirks, but it has so far proved ineffective. [color=#6aa84f][b]FACTION -[/b][/color] N/A [color=#6aa84f][b]ALIGNMENT -[/b][/color] Chaotic Neutral (borderline Evil) [color=#6aa84f][b]BIOGRAPHY -[/b][/color] Crawford spent the first twenty-three years of his live in Vault 68 - a twisted experiment, in which around ten to thirteen people were separated in sound-proof chambers, unable to see each other, completely unaware of each other’s existence. They were provided with only a bed to sleep in, food to eat, water to drink, and books to learn from. As well as educational books that taught them to read, write, and talk, they were provided with different fiction and informational books. The theme of Nathan’s was Jack the Ripper, the infamous Victorian murderer. Once he’d learned how to do the three basics covered in his educational books, he began filing through the books, taking a genuine interest in them. He was amazed - the patterns in the murders, how Jack never got caught, and how the modern authorities couldn’t even fathom who it could’ve been. He was inspired, and he slowly began to plot his escape, being caught up in his own fantastic world of Victorian murder. And, one day, he did just that. He broke out of his cell, and went on a rampage, killing every last person in that Vault. How dare they lie to him; lock him away from the rest of humanity! After that, he created himself some clothes other than his jumpsuit, and packed up his books and supplies, heading out. He exited the heavy, metal door of the Vault, and into the Hell that awaited him. He made it into the Savreaux District, and dug himself a little hole in the ground, which eventually expanded further underground and became his home. Inside, he pinned up pictures of different “targets”, and trained himself further and further with books and exercise. Once he was ready, he crafted himself the perfect outfit for his “Ripper” persona. Of course, he would have to wait before he could murder anyone, let alone the big targets. But his time [i]is[/i] coming, and Orleans will [i]fear[/i] The Ripper. [color=#6aa84f][b]STRENGTH -[/b][/color] 8 [color=#6aa84f][b]PERCEPTION -[/b][/color] 6 [color=#6aa84f][b]ENDURANCE -[/b][/color] 6 [color=#6aa84f][b]CHARISMA -[/b][/color] 2 [color=#6aa84f][b]INTELLIGENCE -[/b][/color] 5 [color=#6aa84f][b]AGILITY -[/b][/color] 7 [color=#6aa84f][b]LUCK -[/b][/color] 6 [color=#6aa84f][b]PERKS -[/b][/color] - [url=http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Cannibal]Cannibal[/url] - [url=http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Night_Person_%28perk%29]Night Person[/url] - [url=http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Awareness]Awareness[/url][/hider]