[center][h1][color=a187be]Natasha Brinne[/color][/h1] [img]http://i500.listal.com/image/7417228/700full.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] The Party [b]Interacting With:[/b] [@Denny], [@HushedWhispers] - Kind of, moving Eddy, Paramedics [/center][hr] [color=a187be]"Thanks Benji,"[/color] Tas said gratefully as she rubbed her temples. This was going to be one hell of an event to have to explain, what she dreaded more than the cops questions that were sure to come was the ride to the hospital she would have to take with Eddy. The paramedics were good but this was basically a war zone field surgery when she reinflated his lung. She'd have to go to make sure he made it. Sighing slightly, she hoped it wouldn't take too long. Then she could just grab a cab back to the party and hopefully enjoy the rest of the evening. As Sam came over, she smiled softly. Of course she did; world could be crashing down and it was kind of, and she couldn't help but smile around him. [color=a187be]"Just you,"[/color] she said gently as she reached out and squeezed his hand with a light touch when he told her that he'd give her whatever she wanted after that. She didn't even think of the implications of what she had just said and it took her a good several seconds before it dawned on her. [i]"Damn I must be tired,"[/i] she thought to herself. If she pulled away and tried to explain would it make it worse? If she didn't explain would it make it worse. Neither seemed like a good way to go. [color=a187be]"I..um.. I'm going to have to ride to the ER with Sir Idiot over there. It shouldn't take long. I'll try to grab a cab to get back over here,"[/color] she explained to Sam incase anyone asked after she left. Last thing she wanted to do was give Nat more to worry about if she vanished for the evening. It also seemed like a decent way to change the topic, not realizing she was still holding his hand. It didn't take long for the EMT's to arrive, the sounds of police sirens in the distance, and Tas rose from her seat, her hand slowly slipping from Sam's. Looking over at him she gave him a weary expression before she took a deep breath and rolled her shoulders back, time to be Dr. Brinne once again, being just Tas would have to wait. [color=a187be]"Oh well, save me some food incase I can make it back tonight,"[/color] she said in a disheartened voice before stepping away from him and over to the paramedics. She went into ER mode and kept it short. She wanted to get this over with. [color=a187be]"Dr. Brinne. UCSFMC - Physical altercation, nasal fracture, possible hairline mandible fracture as well as third and forth ribs, mild concussion. Patient has abrasions and lacerations. Had a pneumothorax on the left side. Creative chest tube inserted between the forth and fifth rib, will ride until ER arrival and can hand over to trauma surgeon,"[/color] she quickly and calmly explained as the paramedics rushed over to Eddy and started prepping him to move. As she explained the police wandered in and Tas groaned deeply. [i]"Great, just great,"[/i] she thought. Hopefully this would just get passed off as a St. Patrick's Day Brawl and they'd let it go. She recognized one of the officers, he had brought people into her ER before, maybe she could get him to look the other way this time. Once the paramedics were brought up to speed, the police officer pulled Tas aside. She looked calm as they spoke but their voices were kept low. She would nod, he would take notes. She'd glanced around pointing to Nat and then Eddy, she wouldn't look at anyone that threw a punch at Eddy. After a minute she nodded once again and shook the man's hand. The officer started walking around, making his way towards no one in particular as of yet. Tas let out a sigh and spotted Jay shoveling cake into his mouth, seeing his hands she cringed inwardly. Quickly grabbing some things from the paramedics bag she rushed over to him and pursed her lips. [color=a187be]"Okay Million Dollar Jay, time to fix you up,"[/color] she said as she held up some bandages. [color=a187be]"Just don't take a swing at me like the idiot on the floor did and I promise to make this as painless as possible,"[/color] she added as she held her hand out so she could get to work on fixing him up.