[@BlackPanther][@rechonq] On the other side of the portal was Rhona's realm. Everything had been the same as before... Untouched. Seconds after Landon touches Leons, Landon is given a powerful shock and is sent flying back a good 10 feet. He laughs. [color=ed1c24] "Serious? Of course I serious! And I think [i]you[/i] are the one tha' should be avoidin' me! 'Cus unlike Rhona, I don' play nice!" [/color] He replied raising his voice to a yell. However it was Alec's reaction that intrigued him the most.[color=ed1c24] "Kill her? Why would I kill someone who's already dyin'? I'm tryin' ta save her! If ya haven't noticed already; she's brought two gods back from tha' grave! Do you not see the cuts on her body? You do realize tha' you are the reason why she is dyin'!" [/color] He yelled, holding Rhona close. [color=ed1c24]"You lot aren't worthy of her light!"[/color] The man sighed and regained his composure. [color=ed1c24]"I ain't gonna kill her. I'm jus' sealin' her away so tha' she can sleep an' heal herself without worryin' about savin' anymore people. Besides... Ya won' get another chance with her if she dies, yea?"[/color] He replied grinning, giving a sly wink to Alec. Suddenly, a tunnel appeared at the shore of the pond. The man then proceeded to bring Rhona into the tunnel. At the end of the tunnel was a pedestal. The man gently layed Rhona onto the pedestal, then kissed her gently on the forehead. A gentle, warm glow, one that was similar to Rhona's, eminated from where the man kissed her. Suddenly, realm was covered in a veil, making the entire realm, except for the man, Landon, and Alec, to freeze in time and turn black and white. The sky turned dark and the air went silent. The entire realm, once full of color and light, was now dark and colorless, like an old black and white movie. The smaller cuts and internal injuries on Rhona's body had already healed, however, the larger gashes unfortunately remained. Hear breathing and heartbeat had slowed down to the point where it was practically nonexistent, giving her the appearance of being dead. [color=ed1c24]"Sleep well, love... I'll be back soon..."[/color] The man whispered softly, kissing her forehead once more, then grinned. He gently caressed Rhona's cheek and lightly touched her neck, just grazing the marks that were etched onto her skin. For a while, he fell silent as he eyed the markings. [color=ed1c24]"The deed is done. She can now sleep peacefully while I temporarily take her place. For now, we have bigger things ta worry about. The war against tha gods o' old."[/color] The man finally spoke without looking at the two as he continued to gently stroke Rhona's cheek, his eyes hinted with sadness.