As Adolf Hitler's Third Reich spiralled ever downward towards its' apocalyptic end through 1944, a great many German soldiers, scientists, and Nazi party members began to prepare themselves for a defeat that had been unthinkable in the heady days of 1940. Many resigned themselves to fight to the death, expecting no mercy from the Soviets who were ever closer to crossing onto the sacred soil of the Fatherland itself.  There were some, however, who saw in the looming defeat as a setback, not the end.  The most important of these men was SS Oberstgruppenfuhrer Otto Ganz. The second in command of the SS Science Division, Ganz had been part of the team that had pioneered the use of the gas Zyklon B used in Hitler's insane plot to exterminate an entire race of people. From 1942 onwards Ganz was assigned the mammoth task of building a vast bunker housing many of the Third Reich's most secret science projects. After the destruction of Army Group Centre in the Summer of 1944 the German leadership also began transferring masses of its stolen art treasures, looted from Paris to Prague, to this secret base that carried the  same codename as Hitler's Headquarters: The Wolf's Lair. Where this base was located was a mystery. Otto Ganz died in a Soviet ambush on the 7th of May, 1945, whilst he was trying to escape Berlin. And now a fragment of documents from the Army Group North, that operated in the North of the Soviet Union, has come to light in the Archives in Berlin. They claim that in the Courland Peninsula there is a bunker that was operated by Ganz, and contains clues to the whereabouts of this fabulous cache of Nazi engineering and loot.  Will you join the hunt? Others are after this hoard, and will not hesitate to use force to claim it. Good luck. Talon Corporation Formed by the merger of three Private Military Companies operating out of South Africa, Argentina, and Austria, the Talon Corp is one of the most vicious and uncompromising PMCs in the world today. Operating all over the globe, they bring brute force and terrifying brutality to any strategic or tactical problem.  But there is a darker secret hidden in the Talon. It's leader, 60 year old Edvard Pieterzoon, is a South African Boer who espouses the ideas of National Socialism. Not only that but his father was Otto Ganz's aide de camp, serving in the SS during their worst atrocities. Pieterzoon has been searching for Nazi artefacts for forty years, and the clue recently discovered  in the Berlin war archives could lead him to the greatest Nazi artefact of all-greater than even Pieterzoon could have imagined. Talon Corporation is led by Edvard Pieterzoon and his second in command, Patrick Collins. It is based in Pretoria, South Africa. Special Operations Executive (SOE) Named after Winston Churchill's wartime sabotage agency, the SOE is a clandestine organization whose aim is to combat fascism and totalitarianism in all it's forms. Its operatives have fought in Spain, South America, the Balkans, and in Iraq and Afghanistan (religious extremism is viewed as a form of fascism by the group). The Talon Corporation is one of the SOE's most powerful foes, and the SOE is just as interested in getting their hands on Ganz's facility as Talon Corp. They have also heard about the discovery in Berlin, and are making moves to obtain it before the Neo-Nazi mercenaries do. Relying on highly motivated volunteers and the financial backing of several powerful individuals, the SOE operates in small cells that can handle both espionage and combat.  The Special Operations Executive is led by the mysterious Council of Five. Its' HQ is hidden deep underneath London, in a WWII era Underground station. These are the two main factions. Others- like governments, police forces, militias-will come later, as they appear.