[h3][color=black]Takeda[/color] [color=f26522]Hojo[/color][/h3] As Hojo walked he felt his phone buzzed, grumbling to himself he took it out and read, [i]Be home in time for dinner[/i], the words sat printed on the screen. He grimaced, she was nagging him again, with a sigh he jammed the phone back into his pocket and kept walking. The sound of the rain tapping away at the top of his umbrella made a hypnotic rhythm that he found himself walking to as he traveled down the wet sidewalk towards the nearest net cafe. He would wait out the storm there, and [i]maybe[/i] he would go home afterward. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted a girl kneeling under the awning of a nearby shop. She was soaked completely and it appeared as if her groceries had spilled all over the ground. [color=f7941d]"[i]None of my business,[/i]"[/color] Hojo muttered as he kept walking on the opposite side of the street. After a few seconds he grumbled to himself and turned back, crossing over to her position. Quickly, with a more intimidating face than he meant, he knelt down and helped to rearrange the groceries she was fumbling with. He took out his bag from the convenience store and pulled the items, out jamming them into his pockets and handed her the bag. [color=f7941d]"Use this..."[/color] He spoke as he handed her the bag, avoiding eye contact. The same thing appeared as if it would repeat itself if she continued on so he handed her his umbrella without another word. He swiveled on one foot, jammed his hands into his pockets, and walked away as his face turned red. [color=f7941d]"Fuck, now I'm cold"[/color], he muttered as he shuffled through the rain.