[center][b]Yotokoto Shrine, Shihoma[/b][/center] Folds of flabby skin collapsed on each other as Matsumura yawned. The portly Bannik's mane of hair was well-groomed; not wild and coarse, like most of his kin. He was adorned in a [url=http://40.media.tumblr.com/cf3dd636c7f0ad4edfd2d23337f72af6/tumblr_n44qhzMdz61qhsylio1_500.jpg]kimono[/url] of Shihoman livery, accompanied by trinkets and fetishes that hung from strands of his beard and around his neck. Matsumura stretched his sleepy limbs, jumped down from his little throne and fetched his ceremonial staff. Now that Homugara had decided to stir once more, it was time for Matsumura to make himself known to the Shihomans once again. The Bannik's recent slumber had been accompanied by some troubling dreams; no doubt Queen Sounouichi had been privy to the visions as well. In all the years the Bannik had served as Homugara's emissary to Shihoma, there were few he liked better than Sounouichi Sakai. She was decisive, opinionated, and he liked that about her. Too many monarchs had been complacent - willing to grovel on the throne and pay lip-service to the Volcano. Not Sakai; she was very engaged in the affairs of Yahasato, and it pleased Matsumura to see Homugara receive the devotion it deserved. As the Bannik swung himself up into the saddle of his [url=http://drawtodeath.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/kirin2.jpg]kirin[/url], he thought about the visions Homugara had made known to him. With one of the relics already in the hands of man, it was nigh time for Shihoma to prove its mettle once more. [center][b]Kuzumatsunai, Shihoma – Following Matsumura's arrival at the Royal Palace[/b][/center] “Homugara has made this matter known to me,” Queen Sounouichi said, perched upon her golden throne. Her kimono was a deep wine, embroidered with patterns of flame and coiled dragons. The chamber had been vacated, with the exception of herself and the Bannik seated before her. “Then you, too, must understand what this means for Shihoma, if not the entire world. I would be loathe to sit back and see the rest of Homugara's artifacts fall into the hands of the undeserving.” “It is too late for the Eye, but there are more relics to draw our concern,” Sakai muttered. “If only I hadn't been so careless...” “Do not blame yourself, Your Highness. I have no doubt of Shihoma's capability, were it to march on foreign lands and reclaim what it deserves.” Matsumura's remark earned the slightest grin from Shihoma's queen. “You are rather opinionated, for a Youkabi, Matsumura. I don't call your service into question, but one might expect a Youkabi as yourself to be neutral in the affairs of the mortal world.” The Bannik chuckled politely, nodding his head. “As the patron Youkabi of Shihoma, I can't help but sympathize over the centuries I've served with your forebearers. Homugara will do what it wills, but I have always had a soft spot for your people.” “And your service does not go unnoticed,” Sakai replied with a tip of her head. “Now, concerning Homugara's awakening... this demands the attention of both Shihoma's sword arm and Yahasato's faithful. We must be vigilant and prepare ourselves for the signs of the next relic. I will place the kingdom under high alert and announce a month of devotion. Have you any other news, Matsumura?” “Nothing you haven't already witnessed, Your Grace. I shall remain close by at all times. It would be to your advantage for Shihoma to appear blessed during this time.” “I agree, but isn't it also to your advantage: basking in the exaltation the public showers on you when you appear before it?” “Heh, heh! I won't deny it. That [i]is[/i] one of the perks of being a Youkai in Shihoma.” The Bannik straightened himself, patting out the wrinkles in his garments. “Now then, Your Grace, I believe it is time for Shihoma to restore order to the land once more.” “Quite right,” Sakai answered, lifting herself from her throne.