OOC IS UP. http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/90695-the-three-kings-high-casual/ooc If you have already created an app, please post it here again for me to review in the thread and give you the approval to post in the character tab so everyone can see who is in. I will approve them shortly after and will have the first IC post up very soon. If you need insight outposts, first-post locations, how the city is set up, ect let me know. For most posts it will be starting in either A) Passages in the sewers between bases, B) inside a NARVA or POLTAVA base in the sewers, or C) Out in the city, scaving ect (note while you will not need to be completely concealed in the shadows, you'll need some sort of 'disguise', whether a heavy poncho to hide your head or something. Teenage girls are regularly subject to search in order to try to catch the escaped 'experiments').