[hider=Phoenix] [center][color=salmon][h1][i]Iravis Ustrina[/i][/h1][/color][/center] [center][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-1bEqdDhlxZ4/VfxBENJvF9I/AAAAAAAAOT8/2sR9_7sQdhE/w426-h596/15%2B-%2B1[/img][/center] [center][color=salmon][h3]"Never wake me up. Especially if the house is on fire."[/h3][/color][/center] [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] 'Phoenix' is probably the most commonly used. Has been mistaken for many existent gods, called an angel, and the inspiration for some non-existent deities. [b]Age:[/b] When asked about her age, Iravis probably responds with fire in her eyes, her voice rising in volume. [color=salmon]"I have received offerings, laughed at Christ's resurrection, turned Latium to ashes, been a companion to Charlemagne in his conquests, and led Tancred over the walls of Jerusalem. I have lived over four thousand years, and am a goddess worthy of worship!"[/color] But her eyes drift downwards after that explanation, her voice suddenly quiet. If she trusts you, she might continue. [color=salmon]"I've lived in a cage, a curiosity. Now I've practically become a pet. The most violent thing I've done recently is set fire to the curtains. I just turned seventeen years old..."[/color] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Phoenix [b]Sexuality:[/b] [color=salmon]"As a bird, I've always found eagles strangely attractive!"[/color] [b]Year:[/b] N/A [b]Powers:[/b] The Goddess has received many over time, but these are the ones she has currently. [u]Inferno[/u] As a bird of flame, in most of her lives Iravis has been gifted with the ability to wield and manipulate fire. Although able to target an individual, her spells are most useful as an area-of-effect sort of attack. Additionally, the more fire that surrounds her, the stronger she is. This means that fighting in a city grants her an exponential power curve as she burns more of it down. Additionally, it means she is much stronger in deserts and during the day when the sun is out. [u]Lacrima[/u] As in the legends, the Phoenix is renown for her legendary power of healing. Not only can she never truly die, but her tears are capable of great healing. She also heals faster than normal, having the ability to heal very minor wounds in a few minutes despite having tears. She has never figured out how she respawns, but her dreams are only memories of previous lives. [u]Phoenix[/u] And of course, she can turn into the phoenix. [s]She hasn't done this yet this life, but she will eventually[/s]. As of now, she has to be very frustrated (not necessarily angry) in order to perform the transformation which exhausts her. Lyssa's laptop is currently the only reliable method for this. In both human and bird form she has enhanced vision and hearing. Lastly, her nails in human form are very, very sharp. Like talons. [i]A massive winged beast, colored orange with the tips of it's wings becoming first red then leading to blue ends that seem to dance like fire. Its eyes were sapphires, the deepest blue of the Nile. A storyteller could spend a thousand other lines describing the beast's majesty, the bird's divine presence.[/i] [u]Smite[/u] Honestly, she's never fired the spell. She has no idea what it does. [b]Strengths:[/b] Both of her magic has extremely high potential in both human and bird form. Very few have been able to surpass her, and around age 300 she reaches a nearly unstoppable peak of strength. Additionally, it is very hard to actually burn her. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Both of her magics are also uncontrollable. If angry, surrounding fires will begin to rise uncontrollably. Her tears of healing can be taken through beatings, allowing her worst enemies to heal from her power. While around 135 she is able to control her full mana at will, but up until then it usually leads to disaster. [b]Catalyst:[/b] She is awaiting an offering from a mortal. [b]Inventory:[/b] Typically whatever she has been offered. In this case, the dress featured in the picture. [b]Master:[/b] N/A [b]Squad Name:[/b] N/A [b]Personality:[/b] Being praised as a goddess in her dreams, Iravis sometimes forgets that she isn't one. Her mood often depends on what she remembered the night before, leading to a strange randomness where she experiences happiness, sadness, horniness, fear, and all the other emotions throughout the day as she copes with the memories. Iravivs' sarcasm is legendary, largely due to the fact that death is really, really meaningless for her. Although in this life she tends towards being weak and submissive, some days she is extremely confrontational and argues with dragons. [b]Backstory:[/B] Born some time before 2000 BC, an Egyptian girl entered an argument with a man who claimed he was a god. Turns out the man actually was Ra, Egyptian bird God of the Sun. As punishment, she was cursed with the inability to die. Her memories rarely go back this far, so she knows very little about her initial life as a human. Appearing many times in history, she has always favored the Greeks and the Egyptians. But as with humans, she always follows the one she loves first. Her death usually is caused by her love one way or another in the end, but the Phoenix never got angry about it. She believes a few times she has actually approached her ex-lover in the next life and had nice conversations. Henry VIII had her three times, which she thinks is the currently held record. [hider=Past Lives] The First Crusade: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3334626]1[/url],[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3360667]2[/url][/hider] In this life, for her youngest years she was held captive by a group of corrupt mages, literally having the tears beat out of her. Kept in a room, she was taught about language, math, history and many other things by her captors. Iravis never figured out who was benefiting from her healing magic, and never could figure out why her captors didn't throw her in a literal cage. Eventually, a group of mages from Liseranna rescued her and brought her to the place she calls home now... [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3360667]Summary, Days 3-9[/url] [/hider]