[B]Name:[/B] Scott Summers [B]Age:[/B] 30 [B]Alias:[/B] Cyclops [B]Appearance:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090521230629/marvelmovies/images/7/7b/CyclopsX3.jpg[/iMG][/CENTER] [B]Abilities:[/B] Scott can fire optic blasts that have thermal, electromagnetic, and kinetic energy. The cause for this is that his pupils actually have enzymes that transform the air in front of him into a plasmatic state. He often wears a visor that can screen his blasts while still allowing him sight. Because of this, when he initially opens fire, the beginning of his blasts are a more powerful burst than the remainder. Also, he has combat experience and strategic expertise gained from leading the X-men early in life. [B]Personality:[/B] Scott is an introvert, he keeps his plans to himself and is very cautious about who he gives information to. He is often seen as a jerk, a cynic, and a self-sanctimonious preacher. But he is none of these things. He is the most thoughtful of the X-Men, he is objective and is willing to make sacrifices to reach an end-game that he can feel comfortable with. Scott is valiant and direct in his actions, but he is not impulsive at all, merely passionate. Deep down he has fears that linger from his teenage years, a lack of confidence and unshakable feelings of insecurity. [B]Bio:[/B] Born in 1984, Scott Summers was the firstborn to his father and mother, the first nuclear family composed entirely of Homo Superior, though he never knew it because he'd been raised in an orphanage where he was kept alive by the generosity of his elders. When he was fifteen he was adopted by Charles Xavier, who brought him to his mansion he'd inherited and transformed into a school meant to train mutants to survive in the world. It was there that he met Jean Grey, Bobby Drake, Hank Mccoy, and Warren Worthington III. They were all a closely knit group of friends despite having emotions fly and other bumps in the road. There were often times when his shy nature caused tension between him and Jean Grey due to a crush that never became anything more. Xavier helped train them to fight for the coexistence of humankind and mutantkind in a VR room where they ran various field missions with Scott as their leader. Codenamed Cyclops, he led the 'X-Men' into many battles meant to prove that they were just as beneficial to mankind as everyone else. When he was seventeen, Beast, Angel, Marvel Girl, Iceman and Scott defeated Magneto in an air force base in Nebraska. Magneto had the goal of proving mutant superiority rather than yearning for peace as Charles had. This often led to hard contact between himself, the X-Men, and his own Brotherhood of Mutants. Rather than killing The X-Men, as he could have, instead he aimed to recruit them to his cause, seeing great potential in Scott particularly. Honestly, Scott had seen great merits to joining Magneto's side and the more aggressive approach to asserting mutant rights. But he never did so that he wouldn't disappoint Xavier. As time went by, and as the Xavier Institute grew, Scott served as a teacher and remained leader of the X-Men. Then everything fell apart. When Xavier died in 2012, he left the X-Men behind, unsure of what to do with himself because he believed that he could've prevented his death. Then it hit him, he'd carry on Xavier's dream, but in his own way. He'd take the more aggressive approach to defending mutant rights. Rather than hiding within the school, Scott created a team of mutants that would fight for Earth as a whole, believing that all along the X-Men had been Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Because the name X-Men signified a connection to the institute, he chose the name 'X-Tinction Team', because his new group would handle extinction level threats to any species. They also stood as a group that would rip apart an iron fist that would come down on mutants as a whole, no matter where it was in the world. He showed that mutants could be just as heroic as the Avengers. Even in the face of the incidents in 2013 and 2014, his team continues to stand firm in their course, taking great offense to the existence and use of the Sentinels. [B]Misc:[/B] The Extinction Team's roster consists of: Cyclops (Leader), Magick, Emma Frost, Colossus, and Gambit.