[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/5FrbKTm.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/k3lnUbo.png[/img][/center] [sub][sub][h3]Aboard the Behemoth — Luan Checkpoint.[/h3][/sub][/sub][hr][indent][color=9bab9e][i]S[/i]he felt the weight of earthen pools descend over her form, attempting to flay her apart at the seams, riddled with a myriad of unspoken inquires and depths of curiosity; trying to bait and hedge the exuberance of her mind often lain with thatches of never ending cheer and bright temperament. And she equally shared the burden, fixating her mismatched stare onto her fellow Saboteur. Poising his name into memory aside a sequence of particular numbers and letters and gradually shifted, performing a similar examination whilst the vibrating tempo of the massive vehicle drummed thickly onto perked ears. She pondered on the simplicity of his gaze, and yet the crossings of complexity and small additions of shadowed reflection there, her head canted, and something else that could not be placed. For a moment, brief and concise, she saw peerless blue invading into the depths of her own stare before the crystalline illusion faded into the richest of browns known to Viera soil compounds. Gradually, her chin disengaged from being cradled in the slope of her palm, and alarm flashed across the expense of her bi—coloured eyes before the next introductions followed in pursuit of Cidolphus’s silence. [i]She didn’t know why, but for the rest of the journey, she wouldn’t be able to meet his eyes again.[/i] Partially disturbed by the previous faux azure she had witnessed, if she had actually seen it — for who was to be certain — Evangeline eagerly lanced at the next opportunity to learn more about the impromptu addition and found his answering glower and phrase of words less than satisfactory. [i]All that bluster; there has to be something he’s hiding.[/i] Evangeline found the dismissive tone that coated his voice thick into being broadcast as superior and perhaps a bit waspish wasn’t so much as ill—favouring and even bitter. But purposeful, a sort of peacock display of Alpha theories and mannerisms to shy away from the truth laden within his soul. [i]He’s not cruel, just misplaced,[/i] she thought. However, from the brief glimpse she passed over to Hally, perhaps ruthlessness and the reputation to testify such was enough to dissuade further prying when she parted her lip to inquire for his full name. It’s not your name, she almost despaired, unsettled by the lack of revealing to his full moniker, and immediately her face fell from her perpetual smirk. She definitely could not trust him now, and perhaps that would ultimately be for the best, if his immediate actions were enough to glean from. A subtle shift in her weight, one leg uncrossing from her fold and landing firmly on the grated floor of the Behemoth was enough to illustrate her sudden discomfort as the ligament began to bounce, pivoted by her arched heel and the meshed boot of her armour to blend in with the drone of the engine. James’ voice, distorted but recognizable from her previous conversation with him, blended in with the peculiar buzzing settling inside her mind. No longer paying attention to the introductions of her fellow warriors, a twitch wove its’ way into the pattern of her fingers, sheathed digits flexing and expanding continuously until the muscles ached into a numbness that began to spiral down to her wrists. Rolling the joints individually, she wove dexterous gestures together, steepling the nylon and then thrust outward, cracking her fingers with a satisfying pop that vibrated up the length of her arm. She didn’t feel it, but the theory into the action was enough to dispel her jittering disturbance and finally gave peace to her peculiar anxiety. [i]You’re fine, this is fine. We’re fine.[/i] She found her solace in the smile from the accompanying blonde, catching the shortened nickname just as she came to from her stupor. A similar simper bloomed across her face, bright and swathed in a friendly offer — she’d get along well with her! Excitement in the possibility of a new mutual confident — as not everyone had to be a tragically brooding or laced too tight with directive — swept her high into cheer and her previous actions seemed far beyond her now as her eyes fell onto a disarrayed plait with ink laced elegantly over fair skin. She would’ve missed the introduction had she not been drawn to the settlement of her weapon nestled across her thighs. Evangeline’s head canted to the side, gathering her observation and witnessing the eclipse of numbers and letters across her mind in basic calculations. [i]Sniper, huh. [/i] The following series of names made her swell with happiness, each of the personal callings banking into memory until she was practically humming with her pleasure. The drivers called back to them, announcing that they were through the check point clearance and entering into Luan. She eagerly bounced in her seat, glancing at the paneled screens the best she was able as the landscapes of Baldur, dotted with smaller settlements eclipsed by the capital, eventually bled into the paler foliage of Luan. Fields expanded ahead, dotted with sparse forestry that seemed oppressed by the Esper Mountains to the East that curved through the entire state and led up into Esper Ridge. Her shell lips parted into an awed expression, bi—coloured eyes eagerly and glimmering to capture the video feed as the scanners rotated to examine over their journey, the mountains being the most beautiful thing she had seen. These were not snow—capped beaks that were malicious peaks of ice and stone like the mountains she knew in Junon, but softer mounds that ridged into a slight bend. Though they were considerably a distance away, Evangeline could just imagine the atmosphere of the world beyond the womb of the Behemoth’s cavernous insides. If only. . .[/color][/indent] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/w0XWwEk.png[/img][/center] [color=ffffff][sub][sub][h3]Aboard the Behemoth — Luan Fields.[/h3][/sub][/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=9bab9e][i]T[/i]he travel through Luan was short compared to the previous excursion through leaving Baldur and the excitement was almost too much to bear as they came closer, and closer to their destination. Once into Zalera, they’d be continuing the final leg of the journey, transported halfway through the tundra state by the Behemoth before it would stop and allow them to embark on foot to Mrihl. To avoid SeeR spies, they’d be traveling under the blanket of night, guided by the night-occulus system programmed into their visors. Evangeline leaned against Hally, muttering to him silently — which to the girl, was a regular cadence of her usual voice — about traveling on foot when one of the Lieutenants suddenly entered into the main hatch and began busily penning into the panels of the Behemoth. A radar focused into attention, earning the glance of the cheerful blonde as she unbuckled from her harness and approached the panel with a curiously tipped head as the man let out a loose string of curses. “Something the matter?” She chirped her inquiry, glancing at the circular module that blinked and updated routinely with the bright line spanning the diameter of the screen. A series of dots bloomed to life every time, signals picked up the routine scanners: there were two clumps of them, three located closer to the location of the Behemoth and another cluster just North of them and descending rapidly. Evangeline peered in closer as the Lieutenant depressed a switch and the focus of the panel changed, interchanging to a proper view of the landscape as the Behemoth came to a slow halt, hissing and clanking with machinery whirring into stagnation as the drivers placed it into park. Hyper speculation cameras whirred into action, locating a trio of armoured individuals that appeared worn and haggled, obviously battered by the elements and something more by the condition of their armour. The Lieutenant muttered something into the microphone shelled near his lips and paid the blonde Saboteur no mind as he left the hatch and stepped up into the foyer of the Behemoth with the others of the infantry. “Is that SeeR?” Evangeline spoke aloud, yearning for the attention of her fellow SOLDIERS as she attempted to pan the scanners in closer, trying to examine the armour of the troupe to gauge an answer. It was difficult to discern, especially when the three immediately swept into sudden formation, brandishing weapons that gleaned with ill intent in the Viera sun. Bi—coloured eyes widened, lashes peeling back as if to gather more from the screening as each of the panels switched, capturing more of the landscape as the scanner began to chime. A siren of harsh, peeling urgency as it picked up the registration of something... Not human. They were massive, terrifying avians brandished in pale blue feathers and wreathed in hues of shy ebony, underlined by bleached plumage. Screeches of predatory songs rippled through the air as their jagged beaks gaped wide; yawning abysses that tunneled into throats lined with jagged teeth, expanding and peeling wide like the mouth of a snake. The voices from the controls filtered back, uncertainty lacing their troops tight as they battled with a decision. But, there wasn’t much of a choice to be made, only SOLDIERS would herald those kinds of weapons, the Viera sun proudly displaying wicked heat and light onto the sudden battlefield outside the bulky vehicle. Evangeline wasted no time, sharing quick glances with her fellow SOLDIERS before she punched the switch for the hatch to yield open. Hydraulics whined as the ramp fell, crushing the grass beneath and disturbing the rock as Evangeline wasted no time in jumping from the hatch, avoiding the ramp entirely by a mere flip, provided by her acrobatics and immediately keyed the Libra-System to sign online. Lines fused together, diagrams shifting through rapidly until a small ping indicated a match, immediately broadcasting the information into display. “Finally!” Evangeline called, tossing a wink over her shoulder at the rest of her companions as protests echoed from the interior of the vehicle, the ground troops holding their weapons aloft as they too left the bulk, although hesitant, of the Behemoth and aimed at the massive wings that lazily churned the air currents. She counted a total of six of the Eagles that circled the trio of weakened SOLDIERS, some dipping and diving low to tease and bait the travelers before screeching, as if communicating with the others each time they swooped down, never quite attacking. Evangeline wasted no time, immediately grappling for Umbra for the weapon to yield to her touch, the pressure system releasing the spear to her grasp alone. A fine tremor coiled down her spine and a smile carved deep into pallid cheeks, teeth gnashing together in her pure elation as she began sprinting towards the Eagles.[/color][/indent] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/w0XWwEk.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/0QheR3k.png[/img] A — B— C — D — E — F >STATUS: ENGAGE >ENVIRONMENTAL BONUS: PLAINS[/center]