[b]Engineering:[/b] The little peons in Engineering were kept on their toes keeping blown power relays from hindering the ship's functionality. Overseeing the work was Xyrx, while keeping an eye on the warp core, just in case. He had changed his mind about going to the bridge when he had been nearly halfway there. Instead he turned back around to keep an eye on things. And no, the reason wasn't because he had to help one of his engineers fix a power reply on the way. As the [i]Orion[/i] exchanged fire with the Dominion ship, Xyrx nearly wept at the idea that they were injuring his ship. It was new damn it. And now they were putting holes in her. A thought that sadly came true just a few minutes after the thought. The force of the artillery from the Dominion ship was enough to drop him to the floor, and with everyone else too. "[color=ffa200]Status![/color]" Xyrx called to the computer even as he scrambled back to his feet. "Multiple haul breaches on levels one, three and four." The cool computer voice read out. Xyrx made a face. Another engineer called back to Xyrx. "All breaches have been sealed. One major one is just next to the bridge." There was a beep from Xyrx's communicator. "[color=ffa200]Xyrx.[/color]" Xyrx tapped it after lifting a hand to halt the engineer's report. "This is Ensign Dex, Environmental Controls. There's a haul breach on the bridge. If you could send someone to fix it, the Captain would be happy." "[color=ffa200]Someone's on their way.[/color]" Xyrx said and ended the communication. He turned his attention back to the prior engineer who was giving him odd looks. "Sir, you're blee--." A weird rushing sound drowned out the rest of the sentence. Concerned, Xyrx tried to turn to see the console for the warp core but everything tilted and went black. The Engineer who had been speaking to his CO, frantically tapped on his communicator. "Sick Bay." He croaked out as he scrambled over to Xyrx's prone body. "Sick Bay!" He mashed his communicator again even as he pressed one hand to the bleeding wound. He didn't think Xyrx was breathing? What if he died. The Engineer swallowed thickly. That wouldn't look good on his record. Letting his CO bleed to death. With no reply from sick bay, he pressed his comm again. "Transport two to sick bay." Within seconds the world of engineering dematerialized and turned into sick bay.