[hider= Amelia von hampon (revised)][center][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/4c640ec6bf03258d0c2e7817e9600730/tumblr_nwl2wuowdk1rw5phjo1_250.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3]You think a wolf has a harsh bite, you should feel mine.[/h3][/center] [b]Name: Amelia Von Hampon [/b] [b]Nicknames/Titles: Ameils[/b] [b]Age: 16[/b] [b]Gender: Female[/b] [b]Race: Fallen Angel[/b] [b]Sexuality: Bisexual[/b] [b]Year: 4[/b] [b]Ranking Class: Witch[/b] [b]Magic: Naturalis: Animal Mistress: Amelia can not only understand and control the animals of the world but can create them using mother earth's natural elements: earth, wind, water and fire. the animals take on characteristics of the element they were created from.[/b] [b]Strengths: Animals are everywhere even massively urban areas so Amelia has an certain amount of choice, Amelia can create mythological creatures out of the elements and these are among the strongest.[/b] [b]Weaknesses: Animals like humans possess a certain degree of free will so while they must heed her call they aren't compelled to obey her, this is especially true of mythological creature as the are nigh-impossible to control. Creating animals takes time, though if she draws the creature it doesn't take as long though in the heat of battle it's precious time to waste. Animals that are made are weak against their elemental opposites and will be dispelled.[/b] [b]Catalyst: eagles feather: Amelia carries around an eagle's feather with varies runes on it, she keeps this as necklace[/b] [b]Inventory: Drawing book, pencil, pencil sharpener, eraser, eagles feather.[/b] [b]Familiar: N/A[/b] [b]Squad Name:N/A[/b] [b]Are They The Leader Of The Squad?: N/A[/b] [b]Personality: Amelia can be sarcastic and rude to people but underneath she has a heart of gold an will do anything to help her friends, Amelia has a bit of a wild side and won't hesitate to break any rule she finds unfair but she is scared of hurting anybody with her powers and will avoid it at all costs.[/b] [b]Backstory: Amelia never knew her mother or father being a fallen angel she was promptly abandoned, had it not been for a kindly lady who unofficially adopted her she might have died, she quickly grew up helping tend her mother's garden, However she was not free from prejudice under her adopted mother and fearing her power as a fallen angel Amelia was in a way forced to use a catalyst and is dependent on it to use magic, years were spent on hiding her full power,she still sees her dad, of course not personally but in the distance, in the corner of her eye, he's just there looking on in disgust at the abomination he created, he told her about liseranna, not in person naturally but through notes and letters that mysteriously appear outside her door. she now travels to Liseranna with hopes of honing her skills and advance to year 6, she just hopes she can keep her fallen angel status a secret, no one found out when she was being tested at liseranna but she doesn't know if she can keep up the human act.[/B][/hider]