Lieutenant Brown had parted ways with Poxx at the Transporter Room. The Orion still shook from the damage it had taken whilst Brown was aboard the Jem’Hadar ship but with their Vorta onboard and his First dead the battle was all but done. Dw’kin, Anthony, and the others had transported over before them. The bloodstains along the floor of the Transporter Room no doubt came from Anthony’s leg wound. It looked to have bled twice as badly as Brown’s arm. He clutched at it as he made his way through the Orion’s corridors escorted by a pair of young ensigns. With each step they offered the Security Chief their support but he brushed them aside each time. The blood had soaked through the arm of his uniform and stained a portion of it red. His dark skin looked drained of blood but his feet kept moving all the same. The doors to the Sick Bay slid open and a wall of noise greeted Brown. Amongst the carnage he noticed a familiar figure departing from the Sick Bay at the other side. It was Captain Vaella. “Vash,” Brown called out as the doors slid shut behind the captain. Malachi and the captain had a tumultuous relationship at best. He had been with her aboard the Hawk. They had both seen people they cared for and trusted lost. They had both done things that stayed with them until this very day. Brown rarely approved of the captain’s methods but she had got them home despite everything. For that the captain had earned Brown’s undying loyalty. On a bed across the room Malachi spotted Anthony with D’wkin beside him and lifted a thumb in their direction. His hand was covered in blood and the Security Officer’s weak smile wavered as he felt his legs give out beneath him. He outstretched a hand towards a nearby table to catch his fall and D’wkin bounded towards him to help him to his feet. “Doctor!” “I’m fine,” Brown muttered as he dragged himself up to his feet. “There’s no need to make a scene.” As he secured himself Brown saw the Orion’s doctor Carter Cole slip into sight. He was a plain looking man, unspectacular even, but he knew his way around a scalpel like no one that Malachi had ever met. “What do you reckon, Doc?” Lieutenant Brown said with a feeble smile as he gestured towards his injured arm. “I hope amputation’s not on the cards. I don't think Catherine will be able to find another fencing instructor at such short notice.”