"Keep talking and I'll amputate your tongue," Carter hissed as he walked by the big security chief. All around Sick Bay, doctors and nurses were busy tending to their patients. Dr. Lana, a Klingon surgeon that was arguably the best the ship had to offer, was busy trying to save CHENG Dra’ul from circling the drain. Assisting her was the Orion nurse Dera. A quick inventory told Carter he was the only doctor not engaged in the crisis, the only one not attempting to mind a wounded crewman. "Your lucky day, Brown," he said as he and D'Wkin got the injured chief to a gurney. "I'm your doctor. Hopefully for you, my hangover isn't that bad." A quick slice from his laser scalpel cut off the portion of Brown's tunic where the injury lay. "It looks worse than it is," he said with a glance up towards Brown. "But a few inches to the left and it would have been so much worse. I'm talking major artery and you dead in two minutes flat worse. What hit you, Brown? Be as detailed as possible and be as quick as possible."