[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Iy8KcUv.jpg[/img] [h3]Kain[/h3][/center] [h3]/Deployment Gate./[/h3] He could just pick up the foul smelling man, toss him overboard. It would not be hard. In fact, it'd be so very easy and satisfying. Giving him a nickname of the worst sort however, the man lived another day. The kind of nickname people said as they smirked to themselves. That man was on his shitlist now. He quietly resigned himself to a life of redicule while he plotted his vengence. The frown on his face was threatening to permanently rearrange his facial features at this point. It was to his credit that he didn’t perform a blunt trauma styled lobotomy of the smug bastard where he stood. Joking and humor was not Kains strong suit. In fact, while he wasn’t dumb, he wasn’t what you called “Cultured.” He muttered under his breath “You are lucky it was only words.” His gruff voice came out almost in a sigh. He rubbed his tempels and frowned if possibly; harder. He though SOLDIER would be simple. This was already more for him to take in. He decided to focus on the upcoming mission and clear his head instead. [h3]/Behemoth. Border./[/h3] As they all decided to step up and tell their designations he was already running calculations in his head. Who would need back up, who would be a likely target, who would best have his back. He saw a group of capable young men and women like himself and made sure to remember each name, as well as make not of the way they presented themselves. The Saboteurs carried themselves like predators, there was deadly grace in each of them. His fellow sentinels were as stout and imposing as him in their own ways. He nodded in approval at that. The Ravagers on the other hand, they were like beasts straining from the way they spoke. The Olsen fellow rubbed him the wrong way however. So incredibly arrogant. He had no idea who the guy was. He would make sure to ask in the most insulting manner later. He stepped up. “Kain.” He said. “Sentinel.” He wondered if he should add something else. There was a silence. “Good to meet you all.” He concluded. [h3]/Behemoth. Luan Fields./[/h3] Kain rested his eyes for most of the journey, leaning back and like with all things he did, reserved energy by being practically unmovable. Soon they’d reach their location, and they had no idea what would await them. He would be ready however, for whatever came there way. He was a front line veteran. As the officer entered and started to fuzz about with controls, one eyes opened. HIs eyes seemed to have a ember of fire behind them. A intensity alien to his form. His other eye came open at the mention of SeeRs. He leaned in and watched along side the blonde. [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAp6M8Ln4Ug]Kane Combat Theme[/url][/center] "They've seen combat. Whoever they are they are in bad shape" As Evangeline punched the hatch release, he nodded in confirmation. From almost a immovable object, he was suddenly unfolding like a silent, murderous beast. He stretched, cracked his nech as he jumped out, grabbing his blade and pulling up with one massive arm. Muscle played underneath weathered skin as held the blade out to the side, letting the red, massive blade shimmer in the light of the ships spotlights. It was as if it didn't weight a damn thing to the massive man. He put a cigarette to his mouth with his other hand and it lit by itself as per usual, a cherry ember falling from the tip of his cigarette to land ontop of his blade where continued to burn. "SENTINELS! ON ME!" He called out just as he had been taught, waiting for his fellow Sentinels to respond. He grinned and for a second he felt a rumbling, intense heat shoot trough his veins. IT didn't concern him as adrenaline was starting to pump trough his system as his feet spread out in more grounded position, both his hands on the blade now.