[@PerseusArchean][@Cuccoruler] Yuki was filled with visions. She would imagine that images like these must have been what the oracles of Python saw. There was technology beyond what the humans have advanced to. There was destruction and death, without a single shred remaining to be used as evidence of existence. There was a being of some sort that was trapped. Yuki felt that this being must be freed. Then it all stopped, and she was returned to where she truly was. In the sky, however, was a large metal orb... "[Color=fdc68a]I see...Very well.[/color] Yuki placed her fingers on her headband, and turned a subtly-hidden dial. Then, she spoke quietly to herself... "[Color=fdc68a]I am [i]Mai Odoru Mousike[/i], Goddess of the Dawn and Dance...[/color]" Yuki placed the large part of her headband onto her ears. Music started playing from them, into her ears. [youtube]v=13GyoLq_4dw[/youtube] Yuki began dancing. It was a rapid, but relatively short dance that asked the winds to simply carry her into the sky. The winds complied as the chorus of voices sounded in the music. They carried her further further into the sky, and closer and closer to the metal orb. When the song calmed again, Yuki began to dance once more. This time, it was a different dance. One that was more traditional yet different, as it involved a combination of moves from a multitude of different cultures. Power began to surge around her. It danced with her, circling and twisting and moving in a complicated, yet flowing manner. When the Chorus of voices sounded again, Yuki raised her arm up, as if reaching for a fruit from a tree. The power rushed as a stream in the direction of her arm, and above the metal orb. The energy disappeared entirely for a single moment, before a circle appeared in the spot where it had left. The center of this circle shined brightly, and from it a small dagger fell. when the weapon's blade tip touched the ball, the chorus raised their voices, and the sound of a blade striking something was made. In one moment, the calm winds became violent. The next moment, the dagger, the circle, the power..It had all disappeared...and so too were the binds and prison that trapped Amgarrack... Yuki smiled gently, as the winds carried her back, away from the alien god that had been set free...