[@Spriggs27] Mao continued to lock eyes with Ash despite her strange choice in action regarding her wardrobe, the entirety of his being squarely focused on staying alive for at least one more night. The scavenger clucked his tongue in disappointment at the response he received, though his grip remained strong on his weapons as he shrugged his shoulders in an attempt to appear nonchalant "[color=004b80]I figure I got a twenty second head start before the freaks show up to find the source of the noise. Between the fresh freak corpses and yourself there should be enough meat here to keep em' busy for at least half an hour. Maybe if i'm lucky they'll be too full of meat to bother chasing a scrawny thing like me.[/color]". Mao took note of the woman's positioning and tilted his gun so that the barrel was level with Ash's left eye "[color=003471]Perhaps I get lucky and don't kill you on the first shot, maybe incapacitate you and let you flounder a bit to draw them away from me, yeah?[/color]" he stated with a noticeably sharper tone. He rolled his shoulder a bit, almost as if to ensure himself that his supplies were still secure in his bag before he weighed his options. There was precious little time to scavenge before the night ended and the less adventurous survivors came out to forage for themselves, introducing yet another level of difficulty into the already troublesome mix. The gears turned in his head a bit more before he decided to gamble with a third option just this once, "[color=004b80]Tell you what-[/color]" Mao began, still keeping his gun trained on Ash, "[color=004b80]I sure as fuck ain't going to give up everything I got, but you can have [i]some[/i] of my food since you kept me from being freak food. It's either that or I can just shoot you and take my chances with the beasts. Your call.[/color]" Mao could feel the thudding of his heart in his chest and hear the rushing of blood in his ears as his adrenaline levels spiked along with the tension in the air. His finger played over the trigger of his pistol as he waited to see what Ash would say.