[@Tojin][@Raijinslayer][@rocketrobie2][@Simple Unicycle][@Gisk][@SashaDark][@2b3heart][@Eodwyn Aether][@ZeroEnder010][@The Kraken] Okay, so as a general message to everyone who's gotten a sheet up (I realize I'm messaging a couple of you twice with this, please don't be mad ^_^") we're definitely starting soon, for real this time. I'm sorry it took so much longer than expected but I wanted to give everyone a chance to get a character sheet up who wanted to plus I've been having a bit of trouble planning an opening post. The game's plot is meant to take off in Republic City. The last time I tried this I got everyone's okay to put them there and start their character's storylines off in a way I thought made sense. Do you guys think that would be okay this time around, or would you prefer I just do an opening post and let you figure things out from there? [@Akayaofthemoon] I'd appreciate that a lot. I could definitely get things going much faster with a little help so we should probably pm about it.