Alice sat up straight while he spoke, a stark difference to his laid back, relaxed way of sitting. At his mention of their project subject, however, she became even more ridged. Lucas may have a great poker face, but she didn’t. “What?” she breathed, quickly leaning forward and snatching the paper from him. With quick scanning eyes she read the project instructions herself, tuning out everything around her. Psychics were in the media and were “coming out” more and more every year. It would only make sense that it would be brought into the schools, specifically a psychology class. “Do you think others got this specific topic too, or it’s just us?” she asked, giving him back the paper by slipping it onto the desk. Cool off, Alessia. If you keep acting like this he’ll know something’s up… “I just- it’s a very controversial topic, don’t you think? I wonder if we can switch. To something easier, you know,” she said, adding a shrug and avoiding eye contact. Everyone else was already talking about options for their given projects...why couldn't it be that easy?