[@Trevor1001][@Cuccoruler][@OtomostheCrazy] Reese was dissatisfied with how Zel was able to despell his attack. He never expected Yato to attack him but lucky due to the space between them Reese was able to know that he was Yato's target. His reaction time on the other hand was hesitant but he had to forget about Zel and block Yato. With little to know time to think Reese allowed Yato's weapon to pierce his hands as he attempted to stop him. Keeping a tight grip on Yato's weaponing ignoring the pain Reese reverted his attention back to Zel who has disappeared briefly from the scene. Worriedly Reese looked around noticing Claire readying herself to release an unthinkable amount of clips on her target. "I'm sorry my friend...." Reese whispered letting go and allowing himself to fall to the ground. Thankfully he made the right decision. Zel's attack would of been seriously fatal if he hadn't decided to leave his friend as a target to Claire's attack. Reese landed and retreated behind Claire taking a deep breathe. "Careful that's still our friend also Zel's corruption is instant." Reese said looking at Yato then at Zel.