[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/HtLvUaB.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=F7CCEE][b]Luan Fields[/b][/color][/center][hr] Quill was oddly quiet, even for her, the whole trip over. It wasn't unheard of for her to be silent for hours, days even, at a time, but her excitement for her first mission should have meant she would be talkative, even to people she didn't know very well. As the case was, she didn't talk much, or emote anything, until they got to their destination. Her equipment packed, her armor comfy and sleek, her weapon attached to her hip, she followed the rest on to the ship. She looked at her surroundings. The outside wasn't somewhere you wanted to go, necessarily. Despite the surroundings, Quill couldn't help but feel energized from it all. This was her first time doing anything outside of the base. Training was all well and good, but this was the first step. She had to prove herself. Not only to her bosses and her team, but to herself, to show she is up for the task, whatever it may be. It wasn't long into her daydream that she heard a woman yell. She glanced up to see Evangeline give a wink and grab her weapon and go off towards the unknown. Quill glanced in the direction. She couldn't make out much, but her focus was on the SOLDIERs, apparently injured and being circled by a menacing force. This was it. [color=lightpink]"Here we go,"[/color] she said, to other's amazement, she DID talk. She followed the rest off of the Behemoth, weapon at the ready and her medical supplies at the go ahead, she raced towards the injured party to stabilize and heal, if possible.